
15 2 4

I see millions of deaths.

A million more teary eyed faces.

Afraid of opening my eyes, afraid that I'll turn blind,

Due to either light too bright,

Or darkness too dense.

They needed saving, I needed saving.

They have failed, as I have.

We have failed each other, forgotten to keep our promises.

So now I guess I have to watch them wilt, petal by petal.

And I will.

Before I know it, I'm swimming.

As if I've always known how to.

Or maybe it's the unknown hand wrapped around mine

That's pulling me along.

I let her, because I'm broken.

And lost.

She faces me, with that unforgettable smile on her face,

That says she knows more about me than I do,

Which she does.

I don't even know if this is real anymore.

But I believe so,

When I hear a voice.

It's okay.

WE are here now.

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