Chapter 3 ~ Back To Berk

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Yo yo yo!

Sorry for not updating! I told you already why, but yeah, yesterday I've watched HTTYD2, and let's say, IT WAS AWESOME! HICCUP IS AWESOME AND TOOTHLESS IS AWESOME AND CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, not everything of Toothless was awesome, but it was Drago... Mwerp... *fan-girl attack* 

I've used some Hiccup P.O.V., tell me if you liked it. I'll only do 3th person P.O.V. or Hiccup's.

But yeah, here is a very long chapter for y'all! But if you haven't seen HTTYD2 yet, watch out for spoilers!

xx Sophia


"Wow, I didn't see that coming... You're from Berk? And..." Hiccup wanted to say 'we look like each other', but he didn't. He looked at her. She wore a dark green dress with long sleeves and dark blue leggings. Her shoes looked very old, and she also wore a cape. Her cape was black. Hiccup looked at Norèll's face. Norèll's eyes, they were killing him, they were beautiful. He also checked out Norèll's hair. It was very long, she was wearing a ponytail but her hair still touched the ground and it was exactly the same colour of Hiccup's hair, she wore a dark purple fillet. When Hiccup looked at the face of Norèll, he saw exactly the same freckles as he had, at the same places. "What happened with your leg?" Norèll asked, trying to reduce the awkward silence that just was. "Ow, er, I'm so sorry." Hiccup said "This is going to be a long story..."

"When I was younger, Berkians fought against dragons. We believed in the stories of scary, man-eating dragons. I believed it too. When I was 15, I got into Dragon Training, where I learned to fight dragons. But I wasn't that great. I was a little fish bone with no muscles and I was afraid of everything. One night, the dragons were attacking us again, and I shot this guy here. That's how Toothless lost his tail. I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't. We became friends, but no one knew it. Until one day, Astrid, my crush then and girlfriend now, followed me because I became the hero of Berk. She was jealous, and asked me about how I get so good. She hit me a few times, and Toothless saw it and became angry. Astrid wanted to tell the others about my friendship with Toothless, but we kidnapped her and we flew a few minutes. We wanted to head back to Berk, but we went into a big mountain, the dragons nest actually. There was a Red Death, and all the dragons were afraid of him. We got back to Berk, and we took some rest, because the next day, I needed to kill a dragon. But as you know now, I couldn't. My dad was very angry with me and told me I wasn't his son. I told him about the nest and he and the other Vikings sailed to the nest. The Red Death nearly killed them all, but me and my friends got on the top of our dragons and we tried to defeat the Red Death. After a few minutes, I saw that that dragon had wings. Toothless and I flew into the sky and the Red Death followed us. Yes, Toothless could fly, because I made a prosthetic fin for him. But the Red Death used his fire and the fin burned away. We dived and the Red Death followed us. He was at the point to fire, when Toothless and I turned and shot him in his mouth. The Red Death Exploded, and Toothless and I tried to get away, but the Red Death's tail was in the way. I was knocked of my dragon, and I fell into the big fire. Fortunately, Toothless caught me, but my leg didn't made it." Hiccup said.

"That's how I lost my leg." ended Hiccup his story. "Wow... That's pretty, er, cool... So since then, Berkians and dragons are friends?" Norèll asked. "Yeah, I think so. Er... Let's go to the village." Hiccup pointed to the village and smiled awkwardly. "Okay..." 

After a few metres, Norèll started talking. "So, Hiccup, I want to know, who is your chief?" Hiccup sighted. "Well, my dad was, but... Well, er... Toothless killed him. But Toothless was hypnotized and didn't knew what he was doing..." Hiccup sighted again. "Oh, I'm sorry... But, are you chief now?" Norèll asked again. "Yes, no, my mom took it over after two weeks so I could search other Night Fury's. But I gave up. So I think I'm going to be chief soon..." Hiccup felt tears in his eyes. "Hey, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should have not asked you about it..." "No, no, you didn't knew. And I can feel him every day... He's with us." Hiccup looked down. It was silent. Hiccup knew that the winter was coming, and that all of the birds had flown away to the warmer places. "But I still miss him..." "I understand. I miss my family. I had a few, as I told you. I don't know who my real parents are, and my first real family... I don't know..." Norèll looked at Toothless. Toothless walked forward. 

*~Hiccup P.O.V.~*

It was silent again. I didn't care, we both thought about our pasts. I looked at Norèll. Her pair of violet eyes looked at Toothless, she seemed happy. She seemed, but she wasn't, because a tear rolled down from her left eye. I wanted to ask her, but I didn't. She hided something, and maybe it was important, but I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't ask her. We still walked, following Toothless. Not that it was necessarily to follow Toothless, I knew the way back to Berk too, and Norèll must have seen the village too, but we were still thinking about things. Well I was, and Norèll must be too, because she stumbled over a root and she nearly fell in a little stream. Nearly, because I caught her. "Phew, that was close. Thank you, Hiccup." she said and we both looked into the stream. We saw each others faces. I blurted out: "Wow, we... we really look the same. This is incredible!" Toothless turned and ran to us. "Mgraaauuuwouwwwwowuwww!!!" He poked me a few times, but when he looked in the stream, he stopped and his mouth fell open. "You are right. We look the same." Norèll said. I didn't know who she talked to, but it seemed to both of us. That was strange. Toothless's reactions when Norèll talked, now her talking to me, and maybe Toothless to, it was very strange. I looked trough our reflections and I saw a little iron thing glimmering in the stream. I knelt down and took it out of the water. "Drago." Nope, that wasn't me, it was Norèll who said that. "You know him?" "Yes of course I do." Norèll's respond was clear. "How?" I asked. "I've met a lot of people on my journey. Some I like, most of them are horrible people. Drago was a horrible person. Is." Norèll explained. There was one word that gave me the chills. Is. He still was there, as she exclaimed. First I thought that she might didn't knew about Toothless being the Alfa and that we drowned Drago together with his Bewilder-beast. But maybe, she knew more. I asked her. "Is? When was the last time you saw him?" "I think it was 3, no it was 4 months ago. He came to visit his old island, and luckily, I was there too." I've never met someone just as sarcastic as I was, she was the first. She stroke the skirt of her dress right and she walked again. I took the piece of iron, which was probably from his arm, with me, and followed Norèll, who was following Toothless again.

When we arrived in Berk, I walked automatically to Gobber. When there was a baby born, he knew about it. My mom Valka forgot it probably, and my dad... He was dead. Once we've arrived at his house, I asked Norèll to stay outside with Toothless. She agreed, and I went into Gobber's house. "Gobber?!" I yell-asked. He was upstairs, but when he heard me calling his name, he rushed of the stairs. "Hiccup! Where have you been? There was a little fire in the woods and suddenly, it wasn't there anymore." I laughed. "I don't really know. But yeah. It doesn't matter, I was there and it wasn't that big. I was actually the one who set those trees in fire. But it's out now! But I wanted to ask you a little question. Do you know other people who were born in the same year as I was? Others than the gang?" Gobber's eyes widened. I was scared, for a second. He asked: "Why do you ask! Of course not! Well, excuse me, I need to go, er... Bye!" He ran outside. "Wait, Gobber! No! I have questions! Please?!" I yelled. But Gobber didn't listen, he just opened the door and his mouth fell open.

"Who in Thor's name is that?!" He talked about Norèll. "She was in the woods too. She said that she is from Berk too." I explained. Gobber took my arm and took the arm of Norèll too. "Who is this?! What is he doing?" Norèll yelled at me. "Well, this is Gobber, and he probably know you, otherwise, he wouldn't rush us." Even with his one hand he could hold us both, and he was quite fast with his wooden leg. He brought us to my mom, Valka, who was in the Great Hall, talking with some other Vikings. Gobber yelled at Valka. "Emergency! Valka, come with me, now!" Emergency, I tought, what is this. "Ey, do you know what's going on?" Norèll whispered. "Nope. But by the way, Valka is my mother, and the chief right now." I said. "I'm coming, Gobber!" Valka responded, and we went outside, and Gobber, still rushing us, took us to the Chiefing Cave. 

"What is going on?" Valka asked. "Your son was in the woods and he found..." Gobber whispered something in my mom's ear, but I couldn't hear it. "What?!" Valka cried. She looked at Norèll, who was still a little confused. I was too, actually. "Sorry, give us some time." My mom said and she let us out. Norèll was the first one who said something. 

"I wonder where they're talking about."


So, did you liked it? Next time I'll upload will be probably monday! 

XX Sophia

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