Cool Kid Issues

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Jimmy sighed at the pair of idiots in front of him. It's everyday with this nonsense, and now Timmy just had to tell Rimmy that he was a cooler person. When will the other two just die?

Now, you see, this leaves Jimmy in an awkward position. The two will now continuously annoy him until until he finally caves and declares a victor, and if he does declare one a victor then he will get brutally murdered in his sleep. Or, at least, have a murder attempt committed against him. This especially holds true for Timmy, who once tried to kill him for saying that he was less important compared to Rimmy. Sometimes he really wondered as to why he put up with the two frustrating morons... Most likely for his own amusement. 

Timmy leaned against his broody "friend" who was currently immersed in the tale of Article 5, completely oblivious to Jimmy's blatant annoyance as he babbled on about his supposed good traits. "I can hide easy, I've only got seventeen restraining orders, and I've been in jail once. Plus, I can draw. Rimmy can't do that, and he's been to rehab. I even..." he continued on, and Jimmy merely gave him no mind.

'As if the moron could possess any good qualities at all,' Jimmy thought to himself bitterly. Oh, how he hated the little nuisance.  'Maybe one night I can catch him off guard and use his body for my dirty movies... I'm sure there's a lot to gain from-' 

"Timmy, the only good quality you have is being mortal," Rimmy snapped, effectively bringing Jimmy's focus out of his thoughts and into the situation at hand.  Timmy, being the slowest of the group, took a moment to process what had been said.  It was like watching a light bulb go off over his head as his eyes widened.  He looked as if he had just been slapped.

Timmy stood indignantly, his fists clenched at his sides as he scowled towards the offender.  A moment of silence passed over the trio as he tried to find the right words to come back with. Like a fool he stuttered and stammered before finally letting it all out.

Jimmy winced in anticipation, ready for the man to go completely berserk on Rimmy.  "Why... Why, I... I'd never," he hissed out between gritted teeth, "I may not know what the hell you mean by that, but I will not tolerate it! You know what you're only good quality is, Rim-my?" 

Rimmy, of course, immediately responded. "Being so absolutely fabulous that you can't even come close." With a smirk, he proceeded to attempt a sexy hair flip, his head quickly turning side to side. Jimmy almost laughed at how utterly foolish it looked.  If he didn't know any better, he'd believe the curly-haired man's neck was completely snapped after the quick, whip-like action.  Of course, Timmy took that as a challenge. 

Deviously, Jimmy smirked as he thought up a borderline-evil scheme. Yes, their would be a winner of his approval today...

He cleared his throat loudly, the other two of his companions snapping their heads around to stare at him expectantly. Yes, this would work excellently. Crossing his legs, he finally spoke.  "The coolest person will do the best hair flip. Timmy, you especially should try harder.  Rimmy is already way ahead of you." The man's voice held a very joyful tone, and any other person with a higher IQ than the two idiots before him would have easily seen through the trick. 

Timmy wasted no time, however, his head rolling in a near perfect pattern as his skull tumbled carelessly from shoulder to shoulder as it rotated effortlessly in a complete one-eighty.  Jimmy would be lying if he claimed to be unimpressed.

Timmy was unpredictable in many ways. Sometimes he even found a way out of Jimmy's horrific contracts, such as when he narrowly dodged getting brutally fucked by a minotaur by threatening to use Jimmy's data.

Rimmy followed suit, but threw in a bit more of a full body swing as he swayed his hips with the movements. Even though he could not rotate his head like Timmy could (instead shaking his head rapidly from side to side), he still had the advantage of being in control of other places. Timmy seemed to have noticed his opponent's tactics, and began to furiously thrust into the air in order to gain the upper hand.

  'Now we wait to see who snaps first...' Jimmy leaned back and continued to watch the show with a smile. This was the most entertainment he'd gotten in a while, and he was going to savor every second of it.

This lasted for at least five hours, until the fatal sound of a snapping bone broke through the air. The winner was.... neither. 

Both of the fool's had managed to snap their necks as Jimmy should have expected, especially from the failures. Rimmy stood frozen, as Timmy used his hands to continue the rotation. Jimmy was in awe of the devotion the idiot had to this. 

Standing from his chair, Jimmy carelessly walked out of the room to find another source of amusement. The idiots would realize he was gone sooner or later. Maybe they'd be able to call an ambulance on their own or something.

In all honesty, Jimmy doesn't care in the slightest. Never has, never will. Because that's just how he rolls. Always on the lookout for number one. Who would need two broke-neck morons anyways?

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