Oh so your Oscpin.

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Ruby's POV
Oscar emerged from the bathroom in his day clothes and everyone was dressed. We called team JNPR and sat down in Ozpin's office as Oscar and I explained everything. Qrow came in halfway through the convocation but sat at the side of the room. It felt like hours had gone by. If fact they had, by the time we finished the sun was behind us casting shadows onto our faces. Pyrrha stood up and announced "I knew a bit about the maidens actually I was going to inherit Amber's power." She looked ashamed. Ashamed she hadn't told anyone of this information. Everyone was astonished but Oscar as Ozpin interrupted. "Yes well we've found who has inherited the power, nevertheless our own Ruby Rose. I had my suspicions but it wasn't confirmed until last nigh." I was so astounded. Everyone must of had the same thought as me but it was Ren who vocalised it. "But how, Ruby never met Amber." We all had the same expression (except from Ren who only has one facial expression ;) ) "Well Amber was there when Cinder and I were brawling, amidst the fight I mentioned your name, my theory is that in her coma-like state she heard me say your name and it was her last thought. And as I killed Cinder, both half's of the maidens power were transferred to you." I was taken aback. So much had happened in these last few days I didn't know what to say. "Ruby your like a super solider!" Nora squealed "I mean you have this silver eye warrior magic, your the only one of us to have unlocked another part of your semblance AND your a maiden! It's a miracle ! You're even stronger than Pyrrha!" Pyrrha shout Nora a glance saying stop but I caught it out of the corner of my eye. "Well... that may be true, but I need to train, I don't even know how to activate my silver eye powers or my maiden powers. Am I that useful if I can't even use them?" I looked towards Oscpin as I say this. He saw my worry and replied "Ruby you have a massive responsibility now. Oscar will train with you, he may of inherited my knowledge and timing but he'll have to work up his aura. I'll train you to use your maiden powers, after all I am the one who gave the original maidens their magic and well for your silver eye powers, I don't know, your mother would be able to teach you that but we have now way to find out where she is. All we know is that she's alive." I looked towards Yang. And she embraced me. When we broke apart I looked back to the Professor, "I'll do it."
    "Ms Rose, you must know that no one outside this room can know that your a maiden, you must keep it secret. I will send your father to tell Ti and if we find your mother we'll tell her but if it leaks out you will be in grave danger."

Qrow's  POV
I saw it out of the corner of my eyes, a black feather fall outside the window. "Raven was spying on us." I run up to the open window and shift into my bird self. Soaring across the sky chasing my sister. She can't put my daughter in danger. I go as fast as I can but she's faster. I soon run out of breathe and turn back to the office. I walk back into the crowed room and face a roomful of surprised children. "DAD! Your a bird!" Ruby squealed. I chuckled and scratched the back of my head. "Well yeah. My sister and I can shape shift into birds, the maidens aren't the only ones who Ozpin trusted with special abilities. But Raven got away. She was too fast for me." And scowled at the floor. "Hey kiddo, your mom isn't going to get away for good, I'll find her but first I have an errand to run." I turn and leave the room.

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