Chapter 4

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Picture of Sofia, Nicholas, Angie and Nicholas

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Picture of Sofia, Nicholas, Angie and Nicholas

When writing this chapter I was inspired by this beautiful video by Davin Graham. And you finally meet Nicholas and Sofia. Enjoy

Chapter 4

Me and the team from the charity landed in Nairobi the capital of Kenya and spend the night in the hotel. I travel with Anna who is the supervisor and translator. She visits Kenya very often. A lot of volunteers are already at the village working there. And there are Larry and Bruce with us. Larry will be filming there to document the whole process of the build and Bruce is an architect who is coming back there after a small home vacation. And I will be the ambassador so many other people get to know about this. I will make a pictures and short clip to raise more money.

In the morning we sat on the cab and went to the airport again. But this time we flew by small plane. I actually thought we will crash. It was that old and shaky. Well I can certainly check that out of my adrenaline experience for this year.

When we finally landed in the field I literally kneeled and kissed the ground. There was a car waiting for us and then we headed to the village. It is beautiful here but very hot.

We drove probably an hour trough the safari. We saw lions sitting and resting in the grass. Giraffes and antelopes were playfully running through the fields and monkeys were watching them from the trees. It was beautiful.

When we came to the village there were people waiting for us. The village people greeted us with huge smiles on their faces and I saw that they were genuinely happy to see us. There seemed to be no sham in this people. Really refreshing from the Hollywood scene I am used to.

They first showed us our accommodation which was in a little cabin with roof made of straw. There were probably twelve of them near each other placed in a semi circle. I shared mine with Anna. Inside were only simple beds with nests placed around the beds to protect us from mosquitoes and the floor was just raw ground. We put there our bags and went to look at the school which was by walk fifteen minutes from the cabins.

Bruce was proud to show us how they progressed with it. It will not be a big building but it will be enough to contain two classes full of kids. It was for now just a structure without a roof. But they already build the library on the opposite site of the school and they need just few things and it will be done. Larry was already filming everything and even us when Bruce was showing us around.

"There will be solar systems on the roof too. Mr. LeMair promised to put it there too which actually wasn't planned." It was probably the man from the other charity which was doing the energy project. Bruce showed us the library building. We will paint it today.

 We went out of the library and I saw children playing football there so I went to watch them. They were so happy. Then I noticed something out of picture. There was a white girl between them. She had beautiful long brown hair. She was sitting aside with other girls and they were trying to make braids. It looked like she was trying to teach them how to braid them. The little girls were adoring it and touching it because they didn't had any. I was watching them for a while because it was such unique moment you don't see that often. Then she turned and looked at me. I couldn't take my eyes of her. I didn't know why. She said something to the girls and then started running towards me. She stopped right in front of me witch beautiful huge grin on her face.

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