The Great Escape

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"Perfect timing," Kuai Liang said with a sigh of relief.

"Perfection comes naturally to me," Tomas replied breathlessly. "So, I see you've gathered your things," he said as he looked at the black bag full of his belongings. "Does this mean you're going to leave willingly? Because I was looking forward to dragging you out by force."

"I've made a decision," he said. "I want to live." His declaration was met by a long moment of uncomfortable silence.

"For Heaven's sake, think it over," Tomas finally said.

Kuai Liang rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation. "Will you be serious? We never got to live how we wanted to. We spent our whole lives taking orders and having our fate decided for us. We had to sneak around like thieves just to have a bit of fun. Not anymore. I'm going to find out what happened to Bi-han. My brother chose the name Sub-Zero to remember our ancestor who made the decision to think for himself. Now that he's gone, I'm taking that name too. To remember my brother. To honor him. And to remind myself to always think for myself."

Tomas looked at him for a long moment. "That's absolutely beautiful, Kuai Liang. Now can we get out of here before we both start growing lady parts?"

"Voleh," the other spat in Tomas' native Czech.

His friend burst out laughing. "Oh my God, I think I'm in love with you."

"Do you ever take anything seriously?" Kuai Liang snapped as he aimed a jet of ice at Sektor and Arrow, freezing them solidly to the floor.

"Do you ever laugh at anything?" he shot back as he hoisted the bags onto his shoulders.

"You're such a child," he chided. "Grow up."

"As you wish, An Zhi," he replied.

Kuai Liang scowled. "If you want to even have a shot at pulling this off, you'll knock it off now. The instant they hear you cackling like a hyena, all bets are off."

"Okay, okay," he said. "I left all the supplies I gathered in the kitchens. I did some canvassing and saw that it was lightly guarded. It's our best way out."

"You sure?"

"What do you mean, 'am I sure'? No, Kuai Liang, I'm determined to get us caught. That way, they don't wait until tomorrow to turn us into robots."

"You're getting testy in your old age."

"Yes, I know. It's because I hang around you so much. I really need to get a better class of friends."

Kuai Liang chuffed. "Let's go. Before these two clowns wake up."

"Now that's the smartest thing you've said all day."

Tomas immediately became invisible as he slipped behind his friend, and the two stepped single file towards the kitchens on the main level below. As the Czech man had predicted, they were met with no resistance. Totally antiquated, the kitchen was two hundred years in the past, with a dirt floor, wooden cooking implements, and a massive stone hearth. A fire burned in the hearth around the clock, so the air boiled around the two warriors. At the end of the kitchen, a short passage led to a door to the outside world. Unfortunately, Oniro was blocking it.

"I suspected you would dishonor yourself like this, Tundra," he spoke in a dangerously low tone.

"My name is Sub-Zero," he corrected the man.

"A fitting name for a traitor," the Grandmaster hissed. Then he shifted his attention to Tomas. "And you, Smoke. I should've known that where he goes, you'll follow." 

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