The Morning After

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Chapter 6 The Morning After

Doctors Bashir and Watanabe rushed into lab two after seeing the door wide open. There were glass shards and wood splinters all over the ground. They saw Dr. Jamison's bag next to one of the computers and began looking around the lab.

Cash's lab coat was thrown over one of the chairs near the computer. Dr. Watanabe tripped over one of Kira's heels and found a torn men's shirt near the storage shelves. Bashir found Kira's other shoe and saw a man's foot sticking out behind one of the desks near the refrigeration unit.

He groaned out loud and slapped his hand over his eyes as he happened upon the disheveled and partially naked missing lab members. "Dr. Jamison!"

Dr. Watanabe rushed over to find Dr. Jamison sitting on the floor smoking a cigarette. Her clothes were wrinkled and her normally neat hair a mess. Next to her was the lab assistant-doctor-in-training, Cash, half naked and asleep. Dr. Jamison gently placed her lab coat under Cash's head, stood, and put the cigarette in the corner of her mouth. She smoothed out her skirt and tried to fix her ponytail.

"Kira!" Bashir hissed. "Explain."

She stretched her arms over her head and puffed on her cigarette. "Be quiet, Bashir, before you wake him up. He's had a long night."

Dr. Watanabe knelt beside Cash. "He's out cold."

Bashir glared at her. "You gobbled him up, didn't you?"

A cloud of smoke rose in the air. "It was his fault. I told him to stay in the other lab with the door locked."

Dr. Watanabe looked at the bite and and scratch marks all over Cash's body and looked up at her. "What happened?"

She walked over to the computer and turned it on showing them the data. "The new patch was a failure. Instead of elevating the oxytocin hormones to keep the testosterone in check and raising the logic, it increased the testosterone and decreased logic and self control."

Bashir adjusted his glasses and sat down. "Is this just with regard to women or men also?"

She shrugged and exhaled. "Don't know. I just know it's the first time I wanted to be with someone so badly that it physically ached inside.  Like blue balls only ten times worse."

Watanabe and Bashir exchanged glances.

"Should we give him a plan B?" Watanabe asked looking in Cash's direction.

She crushed out the cigarette and grabbed her bag. "No. I'll take care of them both."

"Is that what Cash wants?" Bashir asked quietly.

Kira snorted. "He wasn't complaining last night until an hour ago."

Bashir raised his eyebrows.

Dr. Watanabe giggled. "You beast."

She laughed. "For now I'm going home to bathe. I'll be back around lunch. In an hour, wake him up and tell that no good omega to get it together."

Bashir shook his head. Watanabe stood next to him as she tapped down the hallway.

"Is Cash gonna be okay?" Kevin wondered. They both turned as Cash moaned in his sleep.

Bashir smiled. "Who knows?"

Everyone looked up as Kira flung her bag on the table and flopped down at her desk. Bashir and Watanabe looked over at Cash who was trying to hide behind his computer.

"I guess it would be awkward," Watanabe whispered loudly.

Bashir grinned. "I dunno. I think she's enjoying this a little."


Bashir rubbed his beard. "Of course, she won't admit it."

Ignoring them, she watched Cash quietly for a few minutes. From time to time he'd glance her way then quickly avert his eyes. After half an hour, her chair scraped the floor as she stood. Cash began typing furiously as her shoes clacked across the room towards him.

He broke into a cold sweat. Shit! What am I gonna do?

Her footsteps stopped in front of his desk but he kept his eyes on the monitor. I can still smell her. Beads of sweat rolled down his back and he swallowed hard as memories of their first time came to his mind. Act normally.

"Oi, you."

He pretended he didn't hear her.

"Are you ignoring me, you bratty- omega- test tube baby?!"

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He heard her suck her teeth then his monitor went black. He could hear Bashir and Watanabe giggling as he looked up. She had one hand on her hip and the monitor cord dangled from the other.

He shivered under her scowl. Be cool. "D-Dr. Jamison," he smiled.

Her dark eyes narrowed. "You dare ignore me after all we did last night until early this morning?"

After giving in to our urges, we did it so many times and different ways until we had no fluids left. He turned beet red at the memory. "W-was working on th-these...uh...reports."

The cord came flying at his chest.

"Shut up, stupid!"

"You'd think she'd be gentler," Bashir remarked.

She turned. "Shut it, Bashir, you sadist!"

He crossed his arms. "Takes one to know one."

Cash gulped as she grabbed his necktie and pulled him out of his chair.

Her dark eyes were slits.  "You and I need to talk."

He nodded vigorously." Yes, doctor."

"Meet me in an hour."


She smiled at him. "Don't' be scared." Her lips tickled his ear as her voice dropped. "I take very good care of my things."

He felt his dick spring to life as she nipped his earlobe and walked off.

Dr. Watanabe fanned himself. "She's so intense."

Bashir patted Cash on the back. "Good luck, my man. You'll need it."

*What do you think of Dr. Jamison?  She's kind of intense, no?

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