~ Chapter 8 ♡

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You went over to your cabinet near your bed and you slipped and Joel caught you and y'all fell on top of the bed, he was on top of you and y'all stared into each others eyes and went closer and closer and his lips landed on yours and he kissed you and you moved your lips with the rythem on his and his hands begin to explore your body, he goes down to you jawline and then to your neck and kisses it passionately and you let out a small moan, he hot in between your legs and you could feel his clothed boner on your cloth womanhood, you moaned alittle and he went up to your temples and kissed then and then down to your lips, he slowly started to grind on your womanhood and then you stopped and pushed him off

You:Umm.. what??!

Joel:I'm sorry idk what happen to me

You:Um, it's fine.. don't worry now i need to shower

Joel:I'll leave..

- You high key wanted more so, you grabbed his wrist and turned him around and you wrapped your arms his neck and his hands on your waist and y'all kissed again, his hands travels down to your ass and he brings you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and then y'all separated and just stared at each other, he puts you down and then y'all laughed

You:Sorry, your just a good kisser

Joel:So are you.. and it's fine, I'll see you later

- He left and you smiled like an idiot and you jumped up and down and grabbed your towel and went to to shower and you get out and brushed your teeth, dis your hair and you got dressed and went downstairs and everyone was eating and you phone ringed and you looked at it and it was your ex, you remembered his number, and you rolled your eyes and they got teary and you went outside to answer



Ex:Hey baby

You:Don't call me that, now what you want? How dis you get my number?

Ex:A little friend gave it to me..

You:Well, I'm busy doing something leave me alone I don't want anything with now.. Please just leave me alone..

Ex:Awhh, no your my girl

You:Used to be girl.. now shut up..
*You hanged up and blocked his number and went back inside and served yourself some food and you didn't make eye contact with anyone, once you finished, you went up and changed and Danelly calls you (from Mix5)


Danelly:Aye, you trying to go and walk around today?

You:Um yeah, I was just finna head out, where you wanna met?

Danelly:Well, idk meet me at the ice cream shop by the mall

You:Ok!, I'll see you there


- You got ready and you left and everyone stared at you and you ignored the eye connection with all of them and left the house

Jess:What's up with her!?

Joel:Idk, I talked to her and she was fine


- You walked out and went to the ice cream shop and Danelly was waiting there with her sister and you walked up to them

Danelly:How are you?


- You hugged both if them and then y'all went inside the mall, after 20 mins Danelly sister had to leave

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