Chapter 22

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- You was in class and then someone walks in and it was Ivan, you just quickly put your head down and then he sat down in the front and then someone else came in and you didn't bother to look

Mr.Park:Hello, how are you? Introduce yourself

Xx:I'm good and I am Jasmine Castillo nice to meet y'all

-When you heard her name, you covered up more and avoid eye contact with her or any other person, but she didn't know who you was, you then heard the teacher say

Mr.Park:Sit beside y/n

Jasmine:Ok, thank you

- You pretending you was asleep and she sat beside, and she then whispered

Jasmine:I know who are, you don't have to hid.. c'mon your y/n from Æire

You:Ugh yeah, um *You cleared your throat* hey.

Jasmine:Heyy, how are You?

You:Tired and You?

Jasmine:Alright IG

You:That's good..

Jasmine:Yeah, you got a boyfriend?

You:Noo and You?


You:Really how cool, who is he?

Jasmine:Joel from CNCO

You:Oh he is my friend, and I'm happy for y'all

Jasmine:Thank you, but he claims that he got someone already, do you know who she is?

You:I don't have a clue, one he told me about a girl I'm guessing it was you, he describe her, just how you look like



- The bell rings and you got to your dance class and went to go change and everyone was there and your friends and Ivan, you had to go up and dance the choreography that the teacher taught yall and you did and as you started to dance and Ivan stared at you, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, you ignored it and continued and then finished and went to the back and Jasmine went to go see you

Jasmine:Are you okey?

You:I'm just feeling a little sick that all

Jasmine:Oh ok.. You need to go to the nurse?

You:No, it's good..



-Later that class finished and you head out and went to the last period and it was math you did all the work and the time went by so fast, the bell rings and you head out and you hear someone call out your name, you turned around and it was Ivan

You:Hey *You smiled*

Ivan:Hi, how you been?

You:Good, just tired

Ivan:That's good

You:Yeah and You? Your back from So Salvador

Ivan:I'm good, and yeah my dad found another women, well turned out that he was cheating, so I came back and I'm helping my mom with alot of things, I don't want her to work..

You:Omg, I'm so sorry about that, um have your sisters started working?

Ivan:They are looking for one, their passion is dancing and they want to get in for back up dancers

You:Oh, I see and You?

Ivan:Idk yet, I just want something to help my mom out

You:That's good, um I have to go.. I have practice in about 40 mins, and um tell your sisters I might be able to help them

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