Chapter 14 ♡

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-Once you posted it, you went to comb your hair and washed your face and brush your teeth after that you went to go lay down and someone walks in your room

You: Get out!!

Joel:Wait y/n

You:Leave Joel

Joel:Y/n, let me explain!

You:Explain what?? Huh!!?? Me and you are not a thing and never was, ik you was just lying to me, that's why you never answered my question,I knew it Joel leave.. go to your girlfriend.. and stop coming over here I don't want to cause problem between her and get it all over social media

Joel:Y/N!!! Renato is forcing me!! He told me to do it.. I didn't want to he just made it official

You:And why do I care?? Leave Joel..

Joel:No, I'm not leaving because all of the stuff I'm telling you is true.. I used to have feelings for her but now I dont.. I have them for You!

You:Leave... just leave please!!!

You got up and pushed him out, he grabs you by your waist and pulls you in close and smashes his lips into yours and walks you to the bed and he falls on top of you and he kissed you and you tried it get him off

You:Leave joel!!!

Joel:Noo... not in till you believe me

You:I'm not now leave..
*He kisses your body and goes up to your neck and you let out a small moan, he goes up to your lips and kisses them and you kissed him back and that's when Taishmara walks in*

Taishmara:Hey y/n! Whe- JOEL!!!!!

*You pushed him off and you grabbed your shorts that was on your bed and put them on and Taishmara came in and smacked you*

Taishmara: Bitch!!!!! You fucking slut!!
*You grabbed your right cheek and punched her straight in the nose and she fell down*

Taishmara:He is my boyfriend...

Joel:Leave.. You know I don't love you...
*She gets back up and smacks you and you grabbed on to her hair and pulled her down and hit her a couple of times and the girls came in and took you off and they took Taishmara out*

Jess:Y/n calm down!
*You turned around and punched the wall hard and made a hole*


Joel:Calm down


Jess:Your bleeding and look at your hand and it's red and it's bleeding, let's go to the hospital

You:No leave...
*They left and you stay back and cried your eyes out. Your whole wrist and arm started to hurt alot, you went to sleep*

- Morning, you wake up and you hand was swollen, you went and brushed your teeth and washed your face and head out and the girls looked at you

Jess:Let's go to the hospital y/n

*Y'all head out and then got to the hospital and they took you in and they gave you pain killer and disenflamatory and put your hand in a ristrainer and y'all head out and then y'all head out to the studio to go met up with the guys about the tours, y'all got there and you sat down and you just looked down and y'all talked about the dates, you felt how Joel wouldn't stop staring at you you ignored his gaze and then your phone rings and you go outside to take the call*


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