Chapter 17

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You:Yeah.. um...

Ivan:What's wrong?

You:Don't get mad ok, but are you maybe... planning on... um breaking up with me?

Ivan:Um... *He chuckles alittle* y/n about that.. I'm sorry but... Where did you get that?

You:Idk, yesterday I felt like you was going to.. or you wanted to.. You didn't even text me or called and I understand you needed some time alone.. but 1 goodnight or morning messa-
*He didn't let you finish n smashes his lips into yours and you closed your eyes and y'all kissed for 4 secs*

Ivan:Sometimes your mouth gets a little out of control

You:Shut up...
*He laughs and you just stared at him*

Ivan:I'm sorry

You:I'm going home..



Ivan:I love you

You:I hate you too..

- He hugs you tightly and kisses you, you kissed him back and then he Turns the tv on and you paid on his chest and fell asleep..

Ivan:Babe.. are you asleep? Well, yes she is

-You moved positions and he turned off the tv and hugs you from behind and fell asleep, after an hour Brithania comes in and she sees y'all and takes a picture of y'all and send it to you and then leaves, it's was 3:12 a.m and you wake up and looked at the time and jumped up quick and wake up Ivan

Ivan:Babe, what's wrong?

You:The girls must be worried..

Ivan:Oh.. they know your with me

You:I have to go

Ivan:Babe, it's 3:13 a.m *He says as he looks at his watch* just stay here for tonight


- He gets up and he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you on top of the bed with him and y'all feel asleep again

You wake up and it was 10:56 a.m, you wake up and Ivan wasn't there with you, you get up and wash and brushed your teeth and head down and you smelled food, but you also heard Ivan and his parents talking

Juana: Todavia no se a levantado tu novia?

Ivan:No, ella está cansada, las ponen a bailar y no es nomas una horas son varias son 6 o mas... y á hoy tiene dos libre pero ella le gusta ir al gym so casi no descansa..

-You down and said 'Goodmorning' an they said it back and Ivan reach out to you and hugged you and gave you a peck on the lips..

Ivan:Morning babe..

You:Morning, um I have to go

Ivan:Your not going to eat?

You:No, I have to shower, go to the gym and then go to the studio and practice

Ivan:But have a free day

You:You know that, I won't take that day serious


Juana:Descansa Mija.. sal con Ivan o si no en la casa..

You:Lo pensaré


You:Bueno, ya me voy..

Ivan: I'll take You

You:Its fine..

First Love [Joel Pimentel] ✔Where stories live. Discover now