Chapter 1

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(1) A Date

'Are you doing anything special tonight?'

Leon lifted his head and glimpsed Emil, who was taking a sip of his orange juice. His silvery white hair was tousled. There were two visible circles around his eyes.

'You pulling an all-nighter again?' asked Leon, directly ignoring his first question.

Emil sighed and placed his chin in his palm. He had no idea why he enrolled in this couse. He knew from the start he was no genius in Maths, unlike Leon and Yong Soo.

'Me going clubbing da-ze!' Yong Soo bounced up gleefully, despite the fact that the question was not intended for him. He had styled his hair with gel and his curl was particularly eye-catching today. He had a set of brand new shirt and frayed jeans that was a miserable imitation of his favourite K-Pop idol.

'I'm not asking you,' mumbled Emil. He turned to Leon and asked, 'You think you can help me with Maths tonight?'

'Dude, the test is a month away,' Alfred butted in loudly, munching on his cheese burger. 'Ain't nobody got time for that.'

'I don't think Emil is asking you,' Matthew pointed out, but nobody was listening.

'Me got an awesome party tonight and you guys are invited!' Alfred jumped onto the chair and clapped his hands to gain everyone's attention.

'I don't remember allowing you to hold another sleepover party at our place!' Matthew growled, but again was pretty much snubbed. Last month, the party went out of control and Matthew ended up spending three days to clean the house.

'I can't,' said Leon. 'I've, like, got a date tonight.'

'Again?' Emil cocked his brows and grunted in frustration.

'Well, kinda, like, short on money lately,' said Leon, running his thin, long fingers over his beautiful brown hair. Emil would have fallen for that face if only he hadn't been asexual. Everybody knew Emil showed no interest to anyone. Leon might be his very best friend but still, when the poor boy confessed to him two years ago, he got a straightforward answer.

'I like you a lot as a friend, but not exactly as a lover.'

It was a miracle they stayed as intimate as before. Leon didn't seem to mind the fact that Emil couldn't date anyone. He appreciated that Emil was being honest with him.

'Why don't ya go clubbing with me instead?' suggested Yong Soo as he wrapped his arm around Leon's shoulder. 'Grab some beer and booties.'

Leon finished typing the final paragraph of his essay and switched off his laptop. He smacked away Yong Soo's arm.


A brutal rejection.

'Honestly, one of these days, you're gonna get into trouble,' warned Matthew. Leon ignored him.

'He's right,' agreed Emil. 'Dating for money is kind of...'

'Immoral,' added Yong Soo with a goofy grin.

'As if you're moral enough,' said Leon. 'You, like, basically sleep with anyone when you're drunk.'

'I don't do that for money,' defended Yong Soo. 'It's for entertainment. Life is too stressful.'

'It's a personal hobby of mine as well,' said Leon.

Everyone stared at him. They blamed Kiku for bringing Leon into this. A couple of months ago, Kiku got Leon hooked on cross-dressing. Ever since then, Leon would crossdress as a girl from time to time. As if that wasn't eccentric enough, he had started going for compensated dating. He found it amusing that people actually believed he was genuinely a girl. He went on dates for money. Normally, his business involved no sex. He would at most offer hand-holding or kissing, depending on his clients' appearance, of course. Some desperate guys actually paid to have a part-time girlfriend or companion.

A Date, A Bet and Some More (Hetalia-NorHong)Where stories live. Discover now