👓Glasses Problems👓

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Capricorn:Hello Everybpdy tpday we will talk about Glasses problems,And here are also some solutions if you ever get bullied

*Walking around on school*
Virgo:*bumps into Taurus*WATCH IT NERD!!!
Taurus:I-im not a nerd..
Virgo:Then what are you a Geek?
Taurus:No but iam sure that iam much smarter than you idiot!You might not even know how to do Algebra
Virgo:...S-shut up*leaves*

Capricorn:Here are more problems that you smart glasses people might encounter...

Taurus:*Talking to people*
Aries:HAHAHAHA!I didnt knew nerds have friends!
Taurus:Hahahaha!I didnt knew a bully is this stupid!
Leo:Who are you calling stupid,stupid!
Taurus:Who else,Its you!
Aries:Why you lit-
Taurus:You bullies are stupid because you pick on everybody and calling them a nerd,You are not even sure of they are a nerd...

Capricorn:Now thats how you do it!Here is another problem,but what if your BEST FRIENDS said this to you....

Taurus:Whats up guys what do you want to talk about?
Libra:We have to talk about your looks...
Scorpio:Tar....You have to stop braiding your hair like that...You are looking like a nerd,
Libra:Your face is already making you look like an adult

Capricorn:At this moment you should say this to them..

Taurus:Are you my friends?
Scorpio:Of course we are
Libra:This is for your own good...
Taurus:If you guys are really my friends you would accept me for what i am and who i am..
Taurus:And why are you commenting about my hair,I didnt do this,My mom did...
Taurus:And why are you commenting about my face,What am i gonna do change my face because of you guys,Find new parents for you,Do plastic surgery!!!
Taurus:i never say all the bad thing about you guys because i know you will be hurt
Taurus:Thats why theres a saying that The truth hurts....and thats why there is white lies......So you wont hurt that person
Taurus:You guys are the worst,No wonder nobody wanted to be your best friend....Because you hurt them physically and mentally.....
Taurus:Good bye,Liars....

Capricorn:Woah....i guess that became too personal,Sorry about that,But yeah,If ever your friendsays that to you dump them because they are all just using you just so you can help them on works......and always have backup bestfriend spnyou wont feel alone.Author-chan has lots of back-up friends so she never feels alone .....

Capricorn:Okay thats the end good bye guys.

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