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Sorry for not updating last week. I didn't finish the chapter on time and I wasn't feeling well. The story will be updated very irregularly or I will not be updating it from next week cause I have my finals from monday(I'm hoping I don't fail cause I'm not that great and studies and what's worse is that its a national public examination). I'll mostly come back to the normal weekend update thing I said before at the end of March. Yeah that's all I've got to say. And here's the next chapter -->

They were running. They had left the forest they were in, which was blazing behind them. They stopped at a considerable distance turning to see the forest as it lit up the whole area. "Hopefully we didn't hurt Rin san or Hanayo san." Leah said breathlessly, looking at the burning forest. Ruby looked at it, standing by her. To be precise she was frightened by herself. She had just murdered a whole forest with her destructive powers. And if Rin and Hanayo were still in there...

No she'd rather not even think about it. She would never forgive herself, never use her powers ever again and she was sure Dia would be disappointed with her. If that was true it would be her nightmare coming to life, all over again.

"Ruby chan!" Leah said alarmed seeing the red head sobbing, with guilt. "I... can't..." Ruby muttered as she sobbed. "You can't?"
"I can't believe I did that!"

Leah knew she shouldn't have said that. There was no turning back though. Leah stared at the crying girl wondering how to comfort her. That's when she began to think about her sister and what would she do in a situation like this. Leah planned to do exactly that.

She hugged the girl and let her cry into her shoulder. Leah wasn't used to being very touchy like this but it wasn't that bad to be so every now and then. "Well they might have escaped too, they are very skilled and were knights." Leah tried to comfort her. It was true. On their way to the Forest of Birds they were talking about their adventures. According to them, before they retired from their job as knights, the relationship between kingdoms were more friendly and peaceful, but as the competition to get more powerful began their were fights everywhere, if not they were quite frequent, which was true. Leah and Ruby had seen the fight between kingdoms occur so frequently. As the times changed they had to grow more stronger, or so, that's what Rin and Hanayo told them. Being the ruler of the Rice Kingdom Hanayo had to be powerful to make sure no one invaded her land.

"But I... I-"
"Shh it's alright." Leah rubbed Ruby's back to comfort her. They stayed like that till Ruby's cries turned into whimpers. They, again moved ahead, walking through the dark grassland. It was night after all. The moon was rising illuminating the area just a bit. The shimmering stars were over looking the two as they walked, while holding hands. Leah could feel her back warm up, but she shrugged it off thinking it was because Ruby was so close to her. Her heart was pounding. Leah had to control the urge to hug the sensitive, glossy eyed girl who was longing for her elder sister to be beside her, just as she did. She had no clue why but she wanted to protect Ruby matter what. Sure there was some rivalry between their kingdoms but that wasn't going to stop Leah. She was going to make sure Ruby would never cry.

"L-Leah chan..." Ruby whimpered, pointed to a glowing object nearing them quickly. It was some person riding a horse. Leah looked Ruby in the eye, giving Ruby the signal to prepare herself. With their free hands they created a sphere of their respective elements somewhat ready to attack.

It was a lady with long blue hair that shimmered in the light of the fire torch. She had piercing golden eyes that scanned the area. She wore a grey robe with designs of water all over. Over her shoulder hung her bow and a quiver full of arrows. She was riding a horse which pulled a cart. Leah and Ruby immediately destroyed the sphere of their respective power, relieved as they saw the two familiar people riding the cart. It was Rin and Hanayo. Rin looked like she was joking around earning a glare from the blue haired lady every now and then and Hanayo trying to calm down Rin.

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