Chapter: 23

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Anju's POV

Later, we all indulged in snacks and tea, engrossed in a candid chat.

Curious, I asked Mizu, "Tell me, how is Mannat?"

Mizu chuckled, "Don't you know? You both spend the majority of your college time together, and you don't know anything."

I teased, "Mizu, stop it. Tell me about your love story."

Mizu chuckled again, "Why? Are you going to write a book on it?"

I responded, "No, I will telecast this news to some famous news channel. They always crave something spicy for TRPs. They would be interested in a Police Commissioner's son's love affair and family life."

Mizu dismissed it, saying, "Whatever!"

I said, "Okay, fine. I don't want to know."

I got up and started heading outside to our garden area. Mizu followed me, and we both took a seat. I was upset with his playful behavior.

Mizu remarked, "Dude, I don't like you sitting upset. Especially a tomboyish girl like you could never be upset."

I corrected, "I am not a tomboyish girl. I am just acting like that."

Mizu reflected, "But you were like that in school days."

I explained, "I know, but I changed when I came back home after completing my 10th."

Mizu questioned, "Can you tell me why?"

I shared, "You know what, children learn from adults or their friends. In boarding school, I used to be more into sports than class or hanging out with girlfriends. In sports, the majority were boys, and girls had to follow boys' way of playing. I think that's why I became tomboyish. But when I came back home, I started living the way any girl does. Mom taught me many things, and I made friends here. I learned from them, and gradually, I became a girl."

Mizu remarked, "So you mean people changed you?"

I clarified, "No, I just learned and incorporated it into my life. That's it. And I think it is helping me right now. Now, tell me your story."

Mizu shared, "Huh! Nothing much. I met her at an event in college. I liked her, maybe love at first sight. Then we started dating. Her brother found out about our dating, and her dad discovered that I am the Commissioner's son. So, he discussed it directly with my dad. Instead of creating a chaos, they decided we should get engaged. So, we are engaged. We will get married once I complete my studies and start working."

I responded, "That is really good."

By then, Khan Uncle joined us.

Khan Uncle said, "Rohit is calling you."

Mizu acknowledged, "Okay."

Mizu went inside, and Khan Uncle took a seat beside me.

Curious, Khan Uncle asked, "What were you both talking about?"

I replied, "Nothing much. We were discussing Mannat."

Khan Uncle complimented, "She is a pretty girl."

I agreed, "You are right. I agree. She loves Mizu a lot."

Khan Uncle shared, "You know, when you all were kids, it was my desire that you and Mizu get along with each other and become an ideal couple. I wanted you both to get married."

I was shocked to hear that and responded, "But Uncle, he is like my brother."

Khan Uncle explained, "I know that. I said it was my desire. You know, I also discussed this with your dad. But your dad's response was that let the children decide. When Mizu became a young adult, I discussed this with him. He clearly said that you are his sister and he cannot think about you like that. And he was right. You both are good siblings than being a couple."

He laughed, and I joined him. He was right. Mizu was a good brother and a best friend.

I said, "It means even I am your daughter."

Khan Uncle confirmed, "Of course, my Princess."

By then, Rohit and Mizu were standing behind us, and I did not know when they came.

Rohit to Mizu, "Dude, then you are my bro, yaar." They shared a heartfelt hug.

Mizu agreed, "Yeah, dude."

We laughed again.

At Malhotra's mansion

Rahul's POV

I was sitting with my family in the garden area for tea time.

Dad observed, "Rahul seems very happy nowadays."

Tanu giggled at this statement.

Mom added, "Yes, this makes me even happier."

I ignored their conversation, engrossed in watching some news on my phone.

Dad inquired, "Who is the girl?"

I replied, "Which girl? There is no girl."

Dad persisted, "Dear, I am your dad. Don't play with me."

I insisted, "I am not playing, Dad. There's no girl or anything."

Tanu teased, "Dad, yeah, there is no girl, but she is a boy... a tomboy, Anjali, Rohit's cousin."

Dad commented, "Oh, my boy is in love with her."

I asked in surprise, "What? She is my friend, not a girlfriend."

Mom observed, "Dear, your eyes and your behavior reflect otherwise."

I said, "Mom, even you feel so?"

Mom affirmed, "Yes, think about it. But I am happy. After our tragic incidents, you are back to your normal self."

I said, "Chuck it."

I went to my bedroom, contemplating the discussion my parents just had.

Am I really in love with Anjali? It cannot be. She is my friend, perhaps the best one. I know she helped me come back to my normal life. But I love the owner of this bracelet. But do I love Anjali as well? She is nice, a caring person. But I think Rohit was also right. Everybody needs a person to share their life with. If it's so, then I want Anjali in my life. I don't want a typical love story, but I want my best friend with me forever. That would be right. I can't wait for this bracelet's owner all the time. Yeah, she is a lucky charm. If she was meant for me, then I would have been able to meet her. If I get to meet her, I will return this bracelet. And Anjali, I want to propose to you. But how? Yeah, I will propose to you at our upcoming camp. Wait for me. I love you so much. I love you, Anjali.

Anju's POV

I had an innermost feeling that somebody loves me.

Who is that?


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