Chapter: 35

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Flashback: Anjali's POV

Today is a joyful day; I am heading to Mysore. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to meet Rahul in college, but I'm hoping to share my feelings with him soon. Rahul, I love you so much; life seems empty without you. In these few days, we've formed a beautiful bond. I'm eagerly looking forward to our meeting.

Rohit and I reached the station to catch the train. Our friends, including my bestie Tanya Malhotra, aka Tanu, had already arrived. The atmosphere was filled with joy. Tanu hugged Rohit but ignored me. I felt a bit odd, but I chose to overlook it.

Our professors instructed all the girls and guys to go to separate compartments, strictly prohibiting any interaction between genders. It felt monotonous knowing that Rohit and other group members would be in different compartments.

Later on the train, we engaged in casual chatter about various topics. Tanu, however, stood near the door.

I said, "Hey Tanu, what are you doing here? Come, let's have some snacks."

Tanu replied, "I am not interested, Anjali."

I inquired, "What happened?"

Tanu responded, "Nothing."

Persisting, I asked, "What is the problem, dear? You look distressed and somewhat arrogant. What happened suddenly?"

Tanu remained silent for a few minutes, and I urged her to share her concerns. There was an air of negativity around her.

Finally, Tanu hissed, "The actual problem is you."

I was surprised. "What did I do?"

She replied, "I know that Bhaii is in love with you. He has gone crazy. I don't want him loving you; do you understand?"

I said, "But why? Why are you overreacting?"

Tanu said, "You... Look, Anjali, I don't want any quarrels. I will come straight to the point. I don't like you. I know we were friends, but I don't consider you my friend anymore."

I felt a pang of sadness. I couldn't comprehend what to say. Confusion overwhelmed me. A lump formed in my throat, and after taking a deep breath, I spoke.

I asked Tanu, "What is your problem? You are confusing me. You are my friend, and I think one of the best ones. What happened suddenly that you are behaving like this? Just tell me without confusing me more. I just need answers to two questions: What is the problem if Rahul loves me? And why are you not considering me your friend? Why are you upset with me?"

Tanu said, "Fine. Look, Anjali, Bhaii told me that he loves you, but I want you to tell him no."

I replied, "But why?"

Tanu explained, "Have you looked at yourself? You are a typical tomboy. We are Malhotras, and our traditions and dignity matter the most. You are nowhere near the expectations of my family. You may be good at heart, but your behavior sometimes irritates me. Now it has reached its peak. I can't stand you in front of me. Bhaii has gone mad, not understanding such things. The ladies of my family follow all the traditions. The girls behave like girls; they are not tomboys like you."

I felt a wave of sadness. Trying to control my tears, I asked, "So I am a tomboy, and that's why you have a problem?"

Tanu said, "This is one of the reasons. Secondly, your attitude of behaving like a hero, risking your life for no reason. I saw that during the basketball match, but I ignored that. After losing Bhaii and Bhabhi, I don't want my other brother losing his life because of a mad girl like you. You will put yourself in another risk, and Bhaii will risk himself as well, just for you. I can't lose him now."

Her words pierced my heart. She was right. I always welcomed significant risks into my life, but not for the reasons she was aware of. Rather, it was because of Miraj. At that moment, I felt that I should distance myself from Rahul's life. My presence would lead him into risks, and his family had already lost two precious members. I didn't want him to lose his life because of me.

I didn't feel like asking her why she hated me. Whatever the reason, it was clear that she didn't like me anymore. Delving deeper into the issue would only create more significant problems. I might not be suitable for her family.

I said, "Tanu, you are right. I am always at risk. It would be better if I leave your brother's life. Don't worry; I won't come into both of your lives. I promise you."

Tanu replied, "Better," and left with rage on her face.

I went to the washroom and cried. I decided not to meet him anymore. When Rohit and Rahul came to meet us, I felt sad. I saw Rahul, who was equally sad like me. I felt like hugging him and letting him know that I loved him very much, inviting him into my life. However, the force of reality slapped me. I realized that I had to sort out my problems first and couldn't afford to be weak. If I were alone, we both would be safe. I cried looking at him helplessly.

I spent time with other friends for the next two days, intentionally avoiding him. I made sure that he didn't find me. The day before leaving Mysore, in the evening, I met Mizu, and I felt relieved talking to him. But Rahul found me. He asked me again whether I loved him or not, and I rejected him, causing him unbearable pain.

That's when Tina cried about some people harassing her, claiming they were from Miraj's group. I saw Rahul caring for Tina, and it hurt me. But he was right because he was helping her and caring for her in that situation. I saw him angry. When I tried to talk, he didn't reciprocate. I was successful in creating a rift between us, and it was painful.

I don't know whether I did right or wrong, but I did whatever I felt was right at that moment.


Hey frnds.. what do you think..? Was it right for Anjali to reject Rahul..? Do reply your comments..

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