|| Chapter Four ||

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Souda smiled to himself as he saw Gundham and his sister?? hug. Gundham looked happy; loved. Completely different to how he looks and acts at school. His sister looked like him; The same hair colour, though without the grey streaks, and it flows down to her waist. She had the same grey eyes as Gundham too, just without the one red contact lense and scar.
She looked to be at least 11 years old, 13 at the oldest.

After around 30 minutes, They were finally sat planning in Gundham's bedroom. Gundham had a pencil resting between his lips, staring intently at the paper, Souda staring at Gundham; a small smile playing on his face. The more he stared at Gundham, the more he wanted to kiss him; feel how soft is lips really are, instead of listening to all of the horrible things that leave them.


Souda ended up staying the night at Gundham's, though nothing really happened. They did have a drop conversation at around 3am.

Souda has just walked back into Gundham's room, since her heard quiet sniffles and muffled sobs. When he walked into the room, he stopped. He saw something he never thought he would see; Gundham Tanaka, curled up in the corner of his room.. sobbing. Sure, People cry. It's not unusual. But Gundham? The smoker, the alcoholic, the so-called murderer? crying?

He slowly walked towards the taller boy, his lip gently between his teeth. "Gundham..?"
"If you tell anyone that i was crying i will kill you." Gundham growled, his voice and breathing shaky.
a few minutes passed and souda had finally managed to persuade Gundham to tell him what was wrong.
"Everything, Souda. You don't understand. I'm depressed. Dad left us when I was 5, mom doesn't do anything. i have to look after myself, and an 11 year old. I also have to keep up a 'bad boy' act, and block my problems out. I don't feel happiness, Souda. It's all artificial. drugs, cigarettes, alcohol. For fucks sake no one understands it. They all just believe it's an excuse. I'm at breaking point, Souda. Fucking breaking point. that's why i always avoid people. that's why i'm aggressive. It's an act. a fucking act." He was sobbing again now, his face buried deep into a pillow.
Souda reached over, placing a hand on Gundham's shoulder, expecting it to be aggressively smacked away. but, no. Gundham let Souda's hand stay. In fact, he did something completely of shock. He hugged Souda. He smiled at Souda. And gosh, was it the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. The way his eyes sparkled, the way two dents were formed in the corner of his lips. It was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

Souda blushes slightly, looking away from Gundham once he caught himself staring. he sighed to himself. How embarrassing.


And that's how they got here. Gundham with his face buried into Souda's shoulder, his breathing still slightly shaky. He was pretty sure Gundham was asleep, though he didn't move. He seemed to be comfortable. Souda liked that. Gundham was beautiful, Souda would admit that. The taller boy was absolutely fucking beautiful. Though, Souda didn't want him to be. Souda was slowly falling for Gundham, and he knew that was a bad idea.

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