It had been a few hours since Connor and Mary had left. The pitch black sky outside glimmered with stars and I knew everyone was finally fast asleep, which meant that it was time for me to go and meet Connor. I changed quickly and stuffed everything I would need into a backpack to take with me.
My heart was pounding in my chest, as it was my first date and I wasn't really sure what would happen.
Climbing out of my window and dropping through the garage skylight like usual, I ditched my usual skateboard since Connor was coming. Locking the door behind me, I set off down the dark street towards Connor's house.
From where I was stood on his lawn, I could see him sat in his bedroom window, looking out for me. I gave a short wave, beckoning for him to follow me. I expected him to ninja his way out his window like I had to, but his method was slightly different to mine; he just used the front door. Huh.
"Why did you tell me to bring swim shorts earlier?" Connor greeted me with his question, "We're not going swimming until tomorrow."
"Secrets..." I hummed, eyeing his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Why would we need swim shorts? Skinny dipping is more fun." Connor teased, poking my side.
"There's no way in hell I'm skinny-dipping." I chuckled, working up enough courage to take his hand in mine as we walked down the vacant streets.
Holding his hand was strange, but in a good way.
"Come on, don't ruin my fun. Let's heat things up a little." Connor teased, winking at me playfully.
Rolling my eyes at him, I let him ramble on about skinny dipping as we walked through the neighbourhoods until we reached the edge of the forest. It was a bit dark, so Connor kept complaining about potentially being murdered, but I pressed on. I was used to the dark along this path since I came down here quite often and it was all safer than safe.
"I don't know why I'm letting you take me down to the woods in the middle of the night when nobody knows we're here, or that we're together." Connor mused, "You could definitely kill me right now."
Once we reached the lake that I had planned to take him to, Connor dropped his complaining and began bounding around like an excited puppy. Within seconds, he had stripped down to his boxers and cannonballed straight into the greenish-blue water. I knew he would love this place. Chuckling at the sight of Connor gasping at how cold the water is, I took a seat on the bank to set the music up.
The lake was set in a small clearing in the woods, the edges of the water lined with a small bank with woodlands enclosing the place in. It was pretty dark, but because of the clearing in the trees, a lot of natural moonlight was able to shine down, reflecting on the water and lighting up the area. You couldn't see past the trees, but you could see enough to go for a night time swim.
I chose a band to play and connected my phone to the speaker, taking out my sketchbook as Connor splashed around. As I was looking around for inspiration, Connor caught my eye from the water and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Draw me like one of your French girls." Connor purred, striking a pose.
Ignoring his Connorisms, I began to draw him. Even as he splashed and swam about it was easy to draw him from memory; I had looked at him so many times before so I had basically memorised his features. Connor was content to swim around by himself whilst I drew.
From his position in the water, we could chat while I drew and Connor spoke his usual thousand words a second. We didn't have much in common music wise, or in terms of movies, but that didn't seem to bother either of us. I enjoyed listening to him talk about his passions and he enjoyed hearing me talk about my music, which filled my chest with butterflies.

Vampire Boy
RomanceAs a home schooled student, Daxx has zero friends. That is, unless his Mum and siblings count, which they most definitely do not. Known as the local 'Vampire Boy', he expects nothing but rejection from other people his age. That is, until he meets a...