I could feel something warm.I wasn't sure what it was but it was strangely comforting. It made me stir a little as I could feel tiny circles being drawn on top of the warmth. My eyes felt heavy and I didn't want to open them, but the warmth was bringing my consciousness back. I felt so tired, as if I could sleep a thousand years and I deeply wanted to just give in to the feeling, but then I heard something that made me reconsider.
"I love you, Daxx. Please wake up soon."
The tired feeling was gone as I recognised the voice as my boyfriend's and I fought against the drowsy feeling. I wanted to wake up now. I wanted to kiss him and I wanted to tell him I love him too. I wanted him. My fingers began to tingle and I tried to move them with success, hearing a gasp as I did so. Then I finally let my eyelids flutter open, the bright lights hurt my eyes but once they adjusted I saw the tear-stained, puffy face of my boyfriend grinning at me with relief.
"Hey, babe." I coughed out, realising my throat was drier than the Sahara desert.
Connor welled up again and flung himself on me, making me groan at the sudden weight on me. He gasped and pulled himself away, apologising profusely for hurting me. He hadn't, but I didn't have the strength to correct him. I shook my head, taking his hand and pulling him back to me. This time he was more careful as he hugged me close. I breathed in deeply; it was reassuring to have him here in my arms.
"Connor, they didn't have tea..." I recognised my mum's voice, followed by a large clattering and sloshing sound.
I peered over Connor's shoulder and found my mum with a spilled cup of coffee at her feet. Obviously she'd dropped it with the shock. I simply raised my other arm with a smile and she rushed towards me, hugging my other side with endless tears streaming down her cheeks. I felt bad that I had made them both cry. My mum didn't even know about Connor and I's late night adventures.
"Mum, I'm so sorry." I started trying to explain myself, but my mum cut me off with a wave of a hand as she pulled back from the hug to stand up straight.
"Don't worry yourself. We'll talk about it another time and I'm not mad at you, I'm just glad that you're okay." She sighed, pushing my hair off of my bandaged forehead lovingly.
"Mum?" I bit my lip, not looking up at her.
"Yes, honey?" She asked.
"Did you tell Dad?"
Silence seemed to settle over the room and an anxious feeling settled in the bottom of my stomach. I felt as if I knew the answer already.
"I did, honey." Mum sighed, "He was worried about you, of course he was, but he couldn't come."
I thought as much.
She sighed, leaning back in her chair.
"I spoke with your doctor about getting you some sleeping pills, honey. I wish you'd told me that you were struggling."
I nodded, accepting that it would be healthier if I focused on getting sleep.
"God, I'm so glad that you're okay." Connor whispered to me.
I looked at my mum as she slowly backed out the room, a knowing smile on her lips as she pulled out her phone, likely to let Dad know that I was fine. She obviously wanted to give us a little privacy, although I hadn't even asked for it. My mum was like that, she just knew what to do.
"I love you, too." I whispered, making his head whip up to look me in the eyes surprised.
Then, a deep blush coated his cheeks, making me want to kiss the hell out of him.
"You heard that?" He asked, chewing his bottom lip.
"I did." I grinned, tilting his head so I could lean in.
My breath fanned against his lips.
"I love you too, Connor." I said again, to emphasise that I meant it.
"Stop saying it." He blushed, trying to duck his head so that he could hide his face from me.
"No way. I love you." I grinned, pecking his lips before grinning at him goofily.
"Daxx! That's so embarrassing!" He cried, blushing even more.
I pouted and placed another kiss against his lips as he rolled his eyes at my goofy grin.
"Fine. I love you, Daxx. So fucking much. I was so scared when they said you were in the hospital. If... If you'd died, I don't think I could have taken it."
The crack in his voice and the wobble of his lips make my heart break as I pulled him closer to me. I just wanted to go home and treasure Connor for a thousand years in my arms. He sniffled and I wiped away his tears, placing kisses wherever they fell. It really hurt to see him so distraught and I knew I never wanted to see him cry again.
I definitely wouldn't be going out at night anymore, that was for sure.
"I'll have to take you on dates during the day now." I joked, trying to get him to stop crying.
It was making my chest feel tight, seeing him sniffle like that.
"We'll go swimming when it rains." Connor joked back, joining in with me.
"You realise that now that I'll be forced to actually sleep at night, you have to cuddle with me more often." I grinned, pulling him closer and nipping at his neck playfully.
"Careful! You'll hurt yourself. The doctor said you'll have to be careful not to open your stitches." Connor huffed, pulling my head forward to check my bandages at the back of my head.
"I can't believe this is all from me passing out off of a skate ramp." I scoffed, "Talk about dramatic."
"You have always been the dramatic one, out of the two of us." Connor teased.
"I love you." I grinned at him, watching him blush once again as I said it.
I couldn't get over how adorable he looked every single time I said it- he was perfect.
"Ditto, vampire boy."

Vampire Boy
Любовные романыAs a home schooled student, Daxx has zero friends. That is, unless his Mum and siblings count, which they most definitely do not. Known as the local 'Vampire Boy', he expects nothing but rejection from other people his age. That is, until he meets a...