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Stepping out of the shower, the small smile playing on my lips stared back at me from the slightly misted bathroom mirror. Connor hadn't left my mind and I was still on cloud nine that we were together officially. Our date had lasted until the early hours of the morning; while Connor and I dried off on the banks of the lake, I had held him tight and we had chatted until the sun began to rise. 

Rushing back here before either of our parents realised we were missing, or I burned from the sun, was chaotic but Connor had cloaked a towel over my head and we had ran, holding hands and giggling. Spending time with him was like that; it made me feel like a teenager, which I had never really experienced before. 

Despite only parting ways an hour or two ago, we were already going to be reunited for our swimming session that we promised our respective siblings. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to swim, but I had gotten my fill of that last night. It was so freeing to splash about like that with Connor, just having fun and being young. 

Dressing quickly in my protective clothing, I yanked a cap over my still-damp hair to cover it up. That hair cut was truly needed still. I was going to just bring my art stuff and chill by the pool side to keep an eye on the kids as they swam, preferably under a sun umbrella.

Downstairs, my mum was still eating her breakfast before she shot off to work. I hadn't told my mum or my siblings about Connor and I yet, mainly because it had only just happened, but we also hadn't actually discussed the whole telling people thing. Would he kiss me in front of people? Or did he want to keep us on the down low? I would have to ask him at the pool, since in the heat of the moment last night I had forgotten to.

As I loaded my siblings bags into my car, I hugged my mum goodbye and reassured her I wouldn't let them drown. If my mum was worried, then I'm sure Connor's mum was certain that Mary would end up drowning. Rummaging through the boot to check the twins had packed everything they needed for their swim, I felt somebody spring a hug on me from behind. 

With a smile on my face, I glanced over my shoulder to see Connor clinging to my back with a beaming smile plastered on his own. Finishing my double-checking, I turned around to wrap my own arms around Connor, greeting him back. Taking me by surprise, he leapt up and wraps his legs around my waist, sending me stumbling back against the boot of my car. We both fell into the open boot, making him erupt in giggles. 

"Well, this is new. Did you hear about this?" I heard my Mum say to somebody, her tone amused.

"I had a feeling something was going on." Connor's Mum was the one who replied, "Come on love birds, it's time to go."

I had managed to pull myself out of the boot, giving Connor a hand at climbing out. He stumbled into me, and I placed an arm around his waist to steady him. He grinned up at me, his goofy expression making me laugh. 

"Am I going to have to fight a seven year old for the front seat?" Connor teased me.

"They're all in the back." I assured him, climbing into the car myself.

Checking all three kids were plugged in, I switched on the engine and shifted it into gear. With a wave out of the window to our mothers, I pulled off from the curb. Connor started messing with the music with one hand, holding my hand as I drove with the other. The twins and Mary were very confused as to what was happening between us and I sighed as the questions inevitably began.

"Daxx, why is Connor's hand on you?" Angel frowned, peering at us holding hands.

"Yeah and why was he jumping on you before you got in the car?" Mary added, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I saw them kissing this morning, outside." Andy huffed moodily, "Didn't I tell you that kissing is disgusting, Daxx?"

"Kissing Daxx is anything but disgusting." Connor grinned, his tone boastful and proud, much to my embarrassment.

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