The Scary One~Chapter 1

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So, here is Chapter 1 :P

Please tell me if there are any grammatical mistakes and I’ll fix them immediately. I feel so sorry for not being better in this >.< BTW thank you for liking it so far :’]

Rachel on the side ------>

P.s. A special thanks to Starry_Serenade for the amazing cover ^_^


Chapter  1.

Roxy's P.O.V

“Come on honey, wake up!” I heard my mother scream from down the stairs. I didn’t get much sleep so I’m expecting to look like a zombie again. Those stupid nightmares, ruining my sleep and making me grumpy.

I got out of my bed and grabbed a black shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans out of my closet. Stuff like that is what I wear daily. I'm not really the girl who has her closet stuffed with skimpy skirts and pink dresses. I disgust those.

Quickly I ran to the bedroom, before my brother Liam would wake up. Liam is a college student, only too lazy to leave the house and find his own place to live in. Not that I hated him, I used to adore him. It's just that he turned into a ladies-man, a playboy. The type of guy who has to run for his life if he tries his tricks on me. Sighing I turned on the shower.

Coming out of the bathroom, I was nearly done. Quickly I finished my look with some black eyeliner, mascara and some of my spiked bracelets.

I looked in the mirror, proud of my creation. I had a pink streak in my blonde hair and was ready for another day of being avoided by almost everyone.

I looked at the clock. Chelsea would be here any minute from now, to give me a ride to school. Chels and I have been best friends since our soft-more year. Sometimes I feel like she is the only one who truly understands the person I am. I tell her everything. Well, almost everything. She doesn't know about what has happened at my old school and I like to keep it that way. Not that I don't trust her, it's just too much. I was a wreck at that time and there is no way in hell that I'll go back to being that pitiful girl I used to be.

Hurriedly I walked down the stairs, or well, I tried. Somewhere in the middle, I tripped. A small "Eep!" came from my mouth, as I stumbled down. I groaned when I body hit the hard floor. I blew away some stray hairs that were covering my face by now and tried to get up as quickly as possible before my mother or brother would come and take a look at where all the noise came from.

Making my way to the kitchen, I could almost feel some bruises forming. I'm too damn clumsy for my own good. "Morning, mom." I called out to my mother, who was seated at our kitchen table, reading the newspaper. "Good morning sweetheart. Don't forget your bag okay?" "Yeah, yeah." I silenced her with a sheepish smile. It wasn't really uncommon that I forgot my stuff.

The sound of a car horn was heard and I quickly grabbed an apple as breakfast, while kissing my mother's cheek as a goodbye. I was already outside, when I remembered that I was still shoe-less, so I had to run back to the house on my socks to get my black converse.

Jumping into the car, I was met with a hysterically laughing Chelsea. "What?" I snapped at her, my face getting red of embarrassment. "Nothing, it's just that you would even forget your head, if it wasn't stuck on your body!" She managed to choke out. Glaring was my own option, if I still wanted that ride to the school, so that's what I did, the entire way.

The car stopped abruptly, when Chels was done fighting over a parking spot and had finally won. I could almost feel the glares of the people she had almost hit, while getting the spot, on my back as we walked silently to big building to meet up with our other friends.

 "Rach!" The twins Ethan and Nathan screamed, while engulfing me in a bear hug. I was being squeezed till I almost couldn't breathe anymore. "Guys, air!" Were the only words which could still leave my mouth, because of the lack of oxygen.

"But we missed you." Nathan said, pouting. "We've seen each other two days ago!" I said trying to hide my smile, but I could. The way they pouted was just too cute. They've been doing that to be since the day I met them.

"So, that's a century ago!" Ethan protested. I just rolled my eyes, as the both of them gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Don't you guys dare to move! Stay like that, I need to take a picture of this!" Chelsea said, while taking her phone out. Ashley and Emily did the same thing, they are also two of my closest friends, as the three of them stood next to each other, taking the picture of me with a red face, my head between the lips of two idiots. Oh God, why does it always have to be me?

"Now don't pull that face, Rach-rach. I know you liked that." Emily said, with an evil smile on her face. "As if!" I screamed back. "Let's just go, I want to go to my locker before classes start." Ashley said, while putting her pink phone back in her purse. We all nodded or head, since we didn't want to walk into the popular group, who think they own this place. They called us freaks and we proudly accepted that title. We are different and like hell we care!

I actually don't understand why they call Ashley a freak like us. She looks just like them, dressed with stuff from the latest fashion. I asked her why she would even hang with us. She just simply hugged me and said that we were the most amazing people she ever met and didn't want to hang with judgmental bastards. That's why we became friends, she didn't want to be like them and secretly she was just a little nerd on the inside. 

We walked through the corridor and I smiled a bit as I thought about how things turned out this way. I wouldn't want to change a thing. We fought for each other, we cried for each other and you were never alone. That's what true friendship is supposed to be in my mind.

With my thought somewhere else I wasn't looking where I went and suddenly my body collided with another one, way stronger than mine. The force of the hit sent both of us flying on the ground, falling on our butt. I groaned, my body still hurt from my fall this morning.

"I'm sorry I wasn't lo-" I looked at the person who was on the ground in front of me. Our eyes locked and my breath hitched in my throat. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I quickly ripped my gaze away from them and looked at the rest of his body. He had the build of a Greek God and he wore black only...just like me.

Who was this mysterious stranger I had never seen before, but I felt oh so attracted to?


So, what do you guys think? Who is this handsome guy our little Rachel bumped into and what role will he play in the upcoming events? You'll just have to wait and see...

I'm sorry for the delay. I wanted to get this updated before Saturday, since I'll be leaving you guys for two weeks. I'm sorry Q_Q

Anyways, fans/votes/comments are welcomed.

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