Chapter Two: Not Who I Thought You Were (Part One)

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I hadn't heard from Katrina or even thought of Axl for 6 months. I was now pregnant with Shawn and things were getting bad between us. I was 4 months along and we were having a boy, but I have been having complications due to Shawn becoming more aggressive with me. If I said anything against him, he would flip out and hit me or throw me down and kick me. He is definitely not who I thought he was. Everyday I called Brooklyn crying after Shawn left for work. I had to wait until he left because I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, not even my own family. Shawn and I had written a song together and done a music video before I got pregnant. It was very popular and Shawn was getting all of the credit for it. Today Shawn came home in a fowl mood of course.

"God dammit Amy! What did I tell you about leaving that damn garage door open! Anyone could have just walked in and stole all my shit! Doesn't matter to you though, because you don't have to pay the bills around here! No, all you do is sit around getting fat!" He screamed at me and punched my eye. I went down on my belly with a hard thud. I immediately began to cry and clutch my belly defensively.

"Why did you do that!?" I screamed.

"Because I'm getting fuckin tired of you gettin lazy because you're pregnant!"

"You're my boyfriend, I'm pregnant with your child, you're supposed to take care of us!"

"Whatever bitch! I'm going out for a drink, you better have a different fuckin attitude when I come back."

"But Shawn, I need to go to the hospital, something doesn't feel right."

"Oh shut up, dumbass. I'll be home later." With that he went out the front door, slamming it as he went.

I made my way to my feet as I cried. I went to the phone and immediately dialed Brooklyn's number. It rang twice before I heard her voice.

"Hello?" She answered, but I couldn't get any words out, I could only sob. "Amy, I know it's you and I'm on my way." She hung up and within moments she was busting through the door.

"What's wrong, Amy?"

"Sh-Shawn, he p-punched me. I f-fell, I think the baby is hurt." I managed to get out through sobs.

"Come on, we are going to the hospital." She pulled me along with her and we got into her car and we sped off to the hospital.

I was admitted immediately and Brooklyn had to wait in the waiting room because she wasn't family. She told me she was going to try and get a hold of Katrina.

*Brooklyn's POV*

I was tired of hearing of Shawn abusing my best friend everyday. Especially with her pregnant the way that she is. I didn't know why she stayed, I had offered for her to come live with me, but she wouldn't. I had Katrina's number, I wanted to get a hold of her and tell her everything that's happened in the past six months. I know Amy didn't want to trouble Katrina with it, but enough was enough. I dialed the number at the payphone in the hospital. It rang 4 times before I heard her soft voice.


"Katrina? It's Brooklyn." I didn't mean to sound so serious, but I meant business.

"Brooklyn!? Oh my gosh how are you!? I've missed you guys so much and I lost your number so I couldn't call. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, anyways, I know Amy didn't want you to know this, but I'm telling you anyways because it's gone on long enough."

"What? What has gone on long enough?" Her voice automatically changed from happy and cheerful to stern and serious.

"You remember how Amy is dating Shawn?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Katrina, she's four months pregnant, but it's not good. He's abusing her beyond belief. Today was really bad and we're at the hospital. The Dr told me she will most likely lose the baby due to trauma. I don't know what to do."

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious??" She sounded like she might start crying and I heard Duff in the background ask what was wrong. Katrina answered him and told him what I'd just told her.

After that I heard a loud crashing noise, a man yell "God Dammit!"  and then the line went dead. I hung up the phone and went to sit in the waiting room.

*Axl's POV*

"God dammit!" I yelled as I sent the glass table flying into the wall at Duff and Katrina's house. Katrina slammed the phone down then and had a shitty look on her face.

"Dammit Axl! We just bought that fuckin table you asshole!" She yelled at me.

"Amy's being beaten the hell out of and I'm the asshole here!?" I felt like it was all my fault. I didn't even know she was pregnant. I never called her, never checked on her. I felt like  a real dick, all i cared about was drugs and drinking. I wondered if she heard the song I wrote for her. I stood there for a good ten minutes, not even moving, just lost in my own thoughts.

"What are you going to do?" Katrina asked me finally.

"I'm gonna go to her." I replied.

"I would go, too, but I'm too far along to get on a plane. Tell her I love her though, please Axl?"

"Will do." I said and turned around before walking out the door. "Oh and here's the money to replace the table." I handed her one thousand dollars even though I knew it wasn't that much, but oh well.

I sped off to the airport and got the first ticket to fly to Morehead, Kentucky where I knew she lived. I knew she was in the hospital, so I would just go there first.

I was filled with anger and I knew I would kill that guy if I saw him. All I could see was red, I would take her away from him no matter what.

Well Axl is pissed and we all know what happens when Axl Rose is mad. lol :)

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