Chapter Four: Snow White Queen

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*2 Months Later*

Living with Axl was a whole new experience to me. He was just an amazing guy, so perfect and gentle and kind. Axl rescheduled the rest of their tour stating to the media and fans that his girlfriend was brutally attacked and needed time to recover. He addressed me to everyone as his girlfriend, so I just went with it. Everyone recognized me as the girl that sang with Seether in the song Broken. Apparently it was a big deal in L.A. who knew? Brooke had been going out at night to clubs and that's how she met Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue. They've been together for a month and Axl hated it.

"You do know that her boyfriend's little fuck buddy Vince thinks I'm the one who beat you to hell?" Axl said to me.

"Yes, Axl it's not like you haven't reminded me twenty times a day since they got together." I said sarcastically.

"Better watch your tone with me little girl, I'll spank you." He smiled at me.

"If you can catch me first!" I took off running through the large house and he chased after me. I ran into our big back yard and he caught up with me and grabbed me from behind. He pulled me down to the ground with him with me on top of him. My long black hair draped down over my shoulders and in his face. I shook my head back and forth tickling his face with my hair.

"I love your hair, it's so soft and beautiful." He grabbed some and sniffed it. "Smells good too." We laughed and I just laid there awhile on him, resting my head on his chest.

"What are we, Axl?" I asked finally. He stopped and thought awhile about it as he stared up at the clouds rolling by. The only thing that could be heard were the birds chirping in the bird bath that I insisted we buy for the backyard.

"To me, you're my girl and as you know, I tell everyone that." He finally said. "On the other hand, I understand that you need time to heal. I won't push you into something you're not ready for. I can wait."

"Why should you have to wait for me? You can have any woman out there faster than you could blink, yet you choose to wait on someone who's broken."

"You're not broken, Amy, just bent. Why did you do that song with him if he treated you that way?"

"I thought I loved him and vise versa, but that wasn't the case apparently."

"You have a beautiful voice you know. You should try writing your own music."

"I do write my own music, but we're getting a little off topic don't you think?" I sighed heavily thinking of what my next move in life should be.

"Well I told you what I think, and I know very well I could have any woman I wanted, but I don't want those girls. I just want you, you're all I need."

"Why me, though? I'm not special in any way."

"Don't say that, you're special in every way."

"Do you love me, Axl?" I heard him sigh heavily like he didn't want to answer the question.

"Yes, Amy, I believe that I do. Amy I need to get up and use the bathroom. Excuse me." He nudged me off of him and walked away without another word, leaving me there confused.

*Axl's P.O.V.*

I felt overwhelmingly emotional and when I'm like that, I gotta have something. Being emotional just wasn't my thing. I did love Amy, which was weird, because I have never fallen so hard, so fast in my life. I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I got into the bottom drawer of the sink and took out the secret compartment that held my stash in it. I don't know why I do the shit, it always makes me horny and I can't do anything about it, at least not with Amy. I guess I could always just go fuck some random chic, not as if Amy and I are together anyways. I decided on that and put my stash away and excited the bathroom. I went outside to Amy, she was still laying in the grass, there was a smile on her face. She was playing with a dandelion. She looked beautiful in that white strapless dress I bought for her. Could I really go and just fuck some girl when I have her here, waiting to be loved? Who was I turning into, I was getting emotional. I have never felt so much love toward another human being. God dammit all to hell.

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