Chapter Eleven: Perfect

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Looking down at our perfect, beautiful miracles brought great joy to my soul. We had twins. One boy and one girl. Axl had arrived from rehab just moments before I had pushed Rhiannon out. She was born 15 minutes after William. We stood there, looking at them through the nursery window. At that moment, Axl and I didn't speak, we felt no reason to. We only admired them. We named our son William Bruce Rose, III and our daughter Rhiannon Elizabeth Rose.

Today was the day we would get to take them home. Today was the day that Axl would go back to rehab, as well. He would be gone for three months, leaving me to take care of the babies alone.

"You know that this is what's best for everyone, I have to get better." Axl turned and said to me.

"One would think that all you would have to do is look at the faces of your children and not want to ever touch the stuff again," I said, staring back at him.

"It isn't that simple, Amy. I do look at them and I look at you and I don't want to ever touch the stuff again. That's why I have to get better. So, I won't touch it ever again. I'm doing all of this for you and the kids, and for myself. You have to understand that and understand that I love you more than you'll ever comprehend."

"If that's what you want to tell yourself," I said and I walked away from him. I didn't look back at him as he walked the opposite direction toward the exit. It was time for him to go back to the rehab facility. I went back to the room to get ready to go home with the babies. After today, would be a new chapter in my life. I would start a new life. One with my babies. One that was perfect.

One that was without Axl Rose...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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