Go fuck yourself

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L y d i a 

So I guess kind of left that on a cliffhanger. 

Lydia is a banshee.

 A kind of supernatural metal detector for the dead or soon to be. Banshees have many different abilities, their most prominent was their ability to kill with their own voice. Or more specifically, their scream.

Lydia lived in a hidden town called Beacon Hills, and when I say hidden, I mean no humans from the outside world can find it. Beacon Hills is a home for creatures who would've never been accepted into the real world. It's always safe for the supernatural, no matter who you are. All species are welcome, werewolves, kanimas, spirits, even vampires. Every different species lives peacefully together and if a crime is committed you go to either jail or Eichan house, where you will stay until someone decides you can be released.

Beacon Hills High School teaches young supernaturals how to use there powers and abilities for good, I like to think of it as hogwarts for supernatural. Obviously it's not all exciting, magical fun lessons all the time. The school still teaches pupils Maths, Art, English etc. 

You know the normal shit?

Pupils are split up into different categories, according to what kind of supernatural creature you are;

There are the Animals -the most common- such as werewolves, kanima's and vampires.

The Fighters- such as kitsunes and highly trained hunters. 

 Finally there are the Mystical.

The Mysticals are the least common of the supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills and are known for being a bit, odd. The mysticals can only be spirits, wizards or banshees.

As far as Lydia knew she was one of the only banshees in beacon hills, which sometimes made her feel extremely alone. But her friends were there for her, they knew she struggled sometimes, especially when anyone died. Lydia could feel death around her and it was so hard to go through that alone.

Allison and Kira were fighters. Lydia admired them so much. They were incredibly fearless and fierce. Allison was a hunter, an remarkable hunter. You might wonder why hunters were classed as supernatural, but the hunters who live in beacon hills are born with extra ordinary fighting abilities that any normal human hunter cannot acquire. Supernatural hunters are extremely fast, strong and quick sensed. And Allison was one of the best.

Kira on the other hand was a Kitsune. She was born into a sword fighting family, and can turn into fire when she gets angry. She didn't even have to be taught to fight, she's just had it since birth. Lydia envied both of them because she always wanted to be able to fight like that. She hoped maybe one day she will.

And Malia, well Malia was a werecoyote. Yes you read right. She wasn't like normal werewolves because she could actually shift into a coyote. But she tried not too, as it did kind of freak people out. Malia did have a temper on her, which was due to her animalistic side, but her friends loved her for it. She was one of the strongest girls Lydia had ever met.

Lydia's friends were everything to her, if she didn't have them, she wouldn't know what to do.

"Lydia what are you doing be down here in 2 minutes! I'm not waiting." Allison shouted through the window of her car, before their first day back at school.
"Ok make it 5 minutes!" Lydia shouted through her bedroom window.
"Your lucky your my best friend!"Allison shouted.

After 5 minutes of Lydia panicking and running around like a maniac to get all of her crap together, she finally got into Allison's car.

"You nervous for first day?"Allison asked,
"Shitting myself," Lydia laughed.
"I mean you should be, you look horrible," Allison joked while patting Lydia's back.
"Haha, go fuck yourself" Lydia laughed sarcastically.
"Only joking you look amazing as per usual, you're gonna be fine. I've got a feeling this is gonna be the best year ever."

"God I hope so." Lydia muttered.

Hello again. I kind of wanted this chapter to be an introduction to the main female characters and the main ideas of this world.

I really hope you guys like the supernatural town thing and in the next chapter I want to introduce Stiles and the other male main characters.

I know my writing isn't great here, but I promise it will get better.

Thank youuuuu xxx

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