You wanna go first?

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That night she rang Kira to tell her what had happened. Kira just told her that it wasn't her fault and that she couldn't have prevented it, she knew that was true but it didn't make her feel any better. But Kira did talk some sense into her.

"You can't blame yourself, and stop dwelling on what you could've done and start to think about what you could do." Kira stated.
"What do you mean?" Lydia asked.
"Well your doing Power and Control classes now aren't you? Learn how to use your powers and control them. Then when you predict death you could maybe even save some lives." Kira said.
"You're right. You're unbelievably incredibly right. I'm going to do that, I'm going to learn everything. Do everything I can, to make sure I can help someone in the future." Lydia said.
"That's the attitude I want from you." Kira laughed.
"But don't get too excited. You know it will take a long time for you to completely control your powers." Kira said.
"I know, and will do everything I can to do that."Lydia said.

She knew that this wasn't it. More people were going to get hurt and she was going to try and help.

After her phone call, Lydia went to bed and went out like a light, even after all she'd been through.

The next morning she woke up with a positive attitude, surprisingly. She wanted to help people with what she could do, and she was going to start today. She had Power and Control that day and she was going to take advantage of that, and learn what she could.

Allison picked her up as usual and Lydia was surprised that Kira hadn't told her about what went on last night, but she was so glad because she didn't want to have to talk about it anymore.

So she just went on as normal.

They arrived at school and met up with Malia and Kira before classes. She saw Kira from down the corridor as they were walking towards them, Kira gave Lydia a reassuring look to say she hadn't mentioned anything.

"Hellllooooo people, how are we today?" Malia asked.
"Good good, how's our loved up best friend?" Allison asked Malia.
"Alli shut up. I met him yesterday." Malia hissed.
"Hey no need for aggression, I just want you too be happy." Allison responded.

"Well thank you, I'm kinda hoping he'll ask me out soon because I was on the phone with him all last night and we get on so well." Malia said excitedly.
"Malia that's so good. I'm so happy. Oh my God your children are gonna have the longest legs." Lydia laughed.
Lydia got cut off by the bell and they all went to their classes. Lydia did want to talk to Kira though, just to make sure Kira knew that she was ok and not to worry.

It was finally 3rd period and Lydia was so excited for Power and Control, she really wanted to start to learn things she didn't even know she could do. She was so wrapped up in the class, she forgot that she was partnered with Stiles. Part of her wanted to see him. But she didn't know why.

"So class today, I asked you too come out into the gardens because we are going to be practicing our powers in your partners. I want you too take a space in the garden and safely practice one of your powers that you already know. And since there is not that many of you, I will come round each pair and help you try a new Power that you can practice." Mrs Poppy said.

Lydia looked over to Stiles and met his eyes. She wondered why he was looking at her in the first place. Probably just for the same reason she was at him.

"Right well if there is no questions, go get on with it." Mrs Poppy said.

Lydia looked at Stiles again while everyone walked away to different parts of the gardens in their partners.

"So where do you want too start?" Lydia asked tentatively.
"Um...well do you want to start. I don't really like too use my powers that often." Stiles said.
"Oh ok why not?" Lydia asked.
"No reason."
Lydia knew he was lying but didn't want to pry.
"Ok then, well while we wait for Mrs Poppy too get round to us do you want me too blow yo-"
"What?! Yes! Um no...I mean what?" Stiles blurted out.
"Fucking hell Stiles. I was going to say blow you off your feet. Jease." Lydia blushed slightly.
"Um yes. Wait what?"
"Well your supposed too practice with me, so you can be my dummy. I'm gonna scream at you." Lydia stated.
"I'm sure even if you screamed at me you wouldn't be able to knock me down." Stiles said confidently with that smirk on his face. Lydia got closer to his body.

Loves not always great--STYDIA AU--Where stories live. Discover now