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Being the first ones back to their hotel rooms (surprisingly), Gar decided to finally tell someone (Pat) the secret he had been keeping for a while. He was nervous about telling someone, but he needed to get it off his chest. He knew he had to be quick about it since the others would be back soon.

"Hey, Patrck?" he said.

Pat looked at Gar. "Yeah?"

He took a deep breath. "Can I tell you a secret? I really need to get it off my chest."

"Yeah, anything, what's up, Gar?"

He fiddled fingers and said, "I kinda fell for [Y/N]."

As he spoke that sentence, he didn't know that Jp had been the next one back, going in the room right before he said that. Without wanting the feelings to develop, he suddenly a sort of slight hatred towards the demon wolf, wanting [Y/N] for himself.

"What the frick did you just say, Gar?" Jp shot at him when he went into their connected room.

Pat muttered an "oh shit" before Gar, with his cheeks really red, said, "I - I have a crush on [Y/N]. What's the big deal about it?"

"Gar, I think he likes her too," Pat deciphered for him.

He narrowed his eyes at Jp. "Is he right, Jpar?"

Jp suddenly turned red. "...yeah."

"You back the fuck off from her."

"Who said that she's yours?!"

As the argument started to escalate, Pat ran out, hoping the others would be back soon. He bumped into me as I came in with Mk. I raised an eyebrow at him, about to ask him what was up when I heard shouting from the connected room. I listened closely and realized that the shouts belong to Jp and Gar. I ran in and asked, "What the fuck is going on in here?!"

The boys stopped and looked at me, both blushing an intense red. I raised my eyebrows at them before, at the same time, they said, "He likes you."

I felt my cheeks heat up and turn red. "You guys don't need to be shouting at each other about that."

"But - " Jp started.


Blushing even more, I ran out of the room to my room, unsure about the feelings I was feeling.

"Jp, look what you did!" Gar scolded.

"Hey, it's your fault, too!" Jp retorted.

"I don't even know what just happened," Mk said.

Back in my room, I held my knees to my chest and tried to figure out my feelings, but I couldn't. I sighed and stared out the closed window. Right then, there was a knock at my door. I got up and open the door, letting Patrck in.

"Hey, [Y/N], are you okay?" he asked. "You just ran out of the room."

I sighed. "I'm fine, I just can't figure out my feelings. They're a mess and I don't understand them."

"Do you feel pressured to choose one of them?"


"Give it time. Let yourself figure out your feelings before making any decisions."

"Okay. Thank you, Pat."

"Anytime. Are ya gonna come back to our rooms?"



"Wait, are they still at each other's throats?"

He sighed. "No, they're just ignoring each other now."

"I should talk to them."

"Wade's already talking to Jp about it, and I was planning to chat with Gar after talking with you."

"Oh okay."

"Come on, let's get back to the group."


What the fuck am I supposed to do now about the two boys fighting over me?

Oh boy.

Group Chat Love | Dem Salty Bois | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now