The New Kid

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm buzzing in my ear, "Fucking stop!” I yelled slamming my phone on the bed. I felt a giant pain in my wrist, I looked at the three cuts across my left wrist." Damn it Dels, I promised myself and Jaime I wouldn't do this!" I got up and bandaged my arm and got ready for the hell hole they call school. I threw on a Beatles tee, with some ripped jeans and my black Toms. I walked into the restroom and brushed out my wavy darkbrown hair.I looked at myselfand stared into my blue-green eyes. “What a waste of beautiful eyes." I whispered to myself. I grabbed my bag, an apple and ran down stairs heading out to join Jaime on our regular walks to school. "Bye Mom love ya!" I shouted walking out the door. I began walking and met Jaime where we usually meet. "Hey" I said smiling, god he was beautiful. "Hey sorry about yesterday, are you mad?" he asked looking down. "Of course not, you're my best friend, well only friend and I don't wanna lose you." I responded, saying best friend hurt so bad, I wish he was mine, but that skank loves him. "Dels? What happened to your arm? You better not be self-harming again! We made a promise!" He said with pain in his eyes. "No, no, Jaime, I kept our promise, I accidentally burned myself, and it looked gross so I covered it." I said nervously scratching my opposite arm. “You promise?" He asked holding out his pinkie and batting his eyes. "Yes I-" I was cut off by a honk. "Hey babe want a ride?" Yelled Karina. His stupid girlfriend cutting me off again. I hate her, I wanna just jam my fucking fist against her slutty face. I though clenching my fists. "Yea sure!" Jaime responded walking towards the car. He motioned for metocome asI heard Karina whisper, "That loser's not getting in my car." and just like that they drove off. "Just fucking perfect." I said feeling tears swell in my eyes and I walked the rest of the way alone sobbing.

The bell rang as soon as I got there and I ran straight to my first period completely ignoring everyone around me. "English the only class I had without Jaime, I was pretty glad especially since I really did not want to see him." I thought to myself as I doodled on my notebook. "Alright class we have a new student." I heard the teacher say. "This is Mr. Jordan Fish." The class laughed at his name, "Idiots." I said out loud, I covered my mouth realizing what I had done I looked down hoping no one was staring at me. "Take a seat Mr. Fish!" I heard the teacher say as the class snickered softly. I felt someone tap my shoulder, "Do you have a pencil by any chance?" He asked with a slight British accent, he had the most beautiful blue eyes and his hair was so perfectly curly. “Um yea, sure here take this one" I responded. He nodded, smiled and began working. The entire time I couldn't stop thinking. "Jordan was very cute and he seemed so sweet, but I barley met him, I can't be feeling anything just yet,besidesI loveJaime." I said smiling and reassuring myself. “Jaime was just perfect, I sighed. I looked over at the clock we had five minutes left thank god. "Hey so what are your next classes?" I asked Jordan. “I have Pre-Cal, Gym, then lunch, Piano, AP World history, and AP Bio." he responded smiling. He had a beautiful smile, snap out of it Del! "That's cool we have every class together, except AP Bio, I have Chemistry,but ifyou want wecan walk together? And I'll show ya around school?" I said shyly. "Sure that would be great! And, I uh, I never got your name." He said blushing. "Its Delilah, but you can call me Dels." I responded. He blushed! Why was he blushing? Contain yourself Dels you just met him! "You have a beautiful name." He said looking around. "Thanks." I said hoping he wouldn't notice my cheeks burning up. And soon enough we walked off to our next class.

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