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I headed off to lunch walking along-side Jordan, he didn't talk much, but I don't blame him, I mean he is new here and I understand." I guess I'll leave ya now." he said slowly walking away. "Why? You don't have to leave, I don't want you to be alone." I responded looking at him confused. "It's just, I thought since I've been bugging you all day, you might want to be left alone to chat with your friends, about girly things, I guess." he said looking around. "Aw, that's sweet, but I uh, I don't have friends. Jaime was my only friend, but now he hangs around his girlfriend, and I can tell she hates me. I mean why not? She's popular and I'm just me." I looked at Jaime, he was laughing holding her hand. His eyes met mine and I looked away I could feel tears stinging my eyes, but I couldn't cry, I had to be strong. "Seriously! You're such a nice girl, I don't get people, but I'm more than happy stay here with you. Anything for a friend." He responded. We walked together to the lunch line and grabbed what-ever, I mean they serve us shit anyway. We found an empty table right across from Jaime and Karina, of course, just my luck. "So how long have they been dating?" I guess he saw me staring since he asked. "Two weeks." I responded softly. "So basically your so called friend has left you alone for two weeks?" he asked, I nodded, "I have almost every class with them both its horrible, two weeks sitting alone, so much for best friends, but I'm used to being lonely." I said. "Well no need to be left alone, I'm here and I promise to not leave you alone." he said holding up his pinkie and smiling widely. I held out my pinkie and we shook them agreeing to the promise. "Alright, you brought this upon yourself and there's no going back, once you promise, you promise!" We both laughed as the bell rang and walked to our next class together, we sat down right next to each other and continued talking until our teacher arrived. "Alright class, we will be doing the final early, since I will not be here for finals week. You will have a sub and I expect good behavior, we don't want to repeat the last incident now de we miss Karina," He said looking straight at her scolding. I loved it when Mr. Howard brought up that subject, it just reminds the class of how much a bitch Karina is." So what's the final?" Jordan whispered. "It's usually a performance, although this is just Piano class, Mr. Howard acts like we're choir and we usually do performances solo, group or duet. And we have to include singing, piano, and any other instrument of our choice." I responded trying to mi-mick the teacher. He laughed, "Do we get to choose our groups?" he asked. "Yea we always do," I said. "So will you be my partner!" He asked enthusiastically. "Alright class, once you have your groups ready, and figure out who's doing what please come up and tell me who's in your group, what song you will be preforming, and who's singing and playing an instrument, everyone is required to do something, If not you and your group will fail." Mr. Howard said walking back to his desk. "So partner what shall we do?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

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