Here,Now,And Forever

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I took out my sword again,and resumed fighting her.Xenophobia.I started slashing faster,and soon all I could see of my sword was a red blur.My sword became green and made slash marks in the air every time I missed,and they hit Betty.When I stopped,Betty was on the ground and had black marks all over her.I put my sword through her chest,and waited till she showed no sign of life."What do you want to do with her?"Chara asked,appearing beside me."I wanna throw her in the Hotland lava,"I told him."Alright,let's do it,"He carried her.We got to the bridge by Sans' post,and Chara handed her to me."Goodbye Betty,"I hugged her a bit.I don't like her,but I don't like cruelty either.I put her down on the bridge and pushed her off.Akumu caught her halfway,and with a joyful look at going with her,lowered her and themself into the lava."Its-over,"I smiled,something I hadn't done in a while.

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