Chapter 24 {LAST CHAPTER}

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(There is a topic in this chapter that some people don't agree with. And even with knowing that, I've still decided to include it. Please read the A/N at the end. Thanks.)

*Third Person POV*

3 weeks later.

Despite trying going crazy, drinking an unknown chemical, and going deaf, Izuku was still the bright boy they loved deeply. Everything was starting to calm down after the incident, though Izuku was finding every way to be salty about it. But it was amusing, so they let it be. 

And on the being deaf note, it barely was a problem for him anymore. He was able to read everyone's lips to a tee, understanding every word. It was difficult at first. He couldn't quite get the hang of it. But everyone was patient and spoke slowly for him until he could understand small sentences. 

"Dinner is just about done, five minutes away!" Izuku called from the kitchen, stirring a large pot of beef stew while Kurogiri cut up some freshly cooked omelette eggs and vegetables as a top. He also whipped up something special for the elders. 

"Okay~!" everyone said back. 

Izuku leaned over to Kurogiri, pouring soup into bowls. "Soooooooo--" 

"No, Izuku." he dismissed, adding the toppings to the soup. 

"But I di--" 

"I already know what you're going to ask." Kurogiri placed the bowls on a tray and carried it out. Izuku followed closely. 

Izuku pouted. "Oh, come on! I just wanna try." 

"Izuku, I've said no a thousand times now, and I'll continue to do so," Kurogiri told, facing Izuku properly, but still serving food. "Why won't you give it up?" 

The young boy helped. "Because I think it's a good idea and we should give it a try." 

"Give what a try?" Toga asked, taking a bowl. 

Kurogiri slipped the empty tray under his misty arm. "Care to share your 'amazing' idea with everyone, Izuku? I'm sure they'll love to hear it." 

"No, I'd rather not tread that ground just yet. Maybe I'll just do behind your back, instead," he smirked. 

Kurogiri gave a strict look at the boy. "You wouldn't dare." 

"Try me," 

Shigaraki slammed his hand on the table, causing some soup to spill from his soup. He sat at his own table. "Enough with the petty argument," he ordered. "Izuku, tell us what this idea is." 

Izuku, like the angsty teenager he is, crossed his arms and huffed. He looked over to the side. "I thought it'd be a good idea to-- *mumble*

Shigaraki snapped his fingers in his face to grab Izuku's attention. "Speak up," 


Shigaraki stood up violently, his chair being shoved into a nearby table, rocking it. "IZUKU!"

"TO TRY MORE CHEMICALS!" Izuku shouted. "There! Happy?! I told you!" 

Shigaraki was stupified to silence along with everyone else. Izuku shifted between his feet, looking at the floor. He wasn't able to face them. He was scared to see what their expressions held. "I know it sounds crazy. I understand the risks involved." Izuku started. "But I want to do it. I have to try..." he stays silent for a second, thinking over his words carefully. "As I am now, I'm weak and practically defenceless. Not only am I deaf, but I don't have One for All. I only just started getting the hang of knife fighting, but it's not yet good enough for actual battles. If I went out into any fight, I'd be the first one killed. I know I would...." Izuku's voice trailed off. "I just need to be stronger." 

Once everyone was sure Izuku was finished speaking, Shigaraki gestured to Dabi to handle this. He seemed to always say the right things in these moments.

The totally OP teen walked over to Izuku. Dabi lifted Izuku's chin with his index finger and thumb. He wanted Izuku to look carefully at his every word.

"What are you?" 

Izuku furrowed his brows. "A villain?" the green-haired boy answer, though it almost sounded like a question.

"And how long have you been with us now?" 

"Almost a year, I think?" 

Dabi nodded. "Yes. And in these few months, have we ever said you were weak? Even when you lost One for All or your hearing?"

", you never did." 

"Okay. So do you think we recruit weak people?" Dabi asked. 

Izuku shook his head. "No... you don't."

"So, I think you just solved your problem yourself," he said. " Izuku, you are anything and everything, but being weak and defenceless isn't one of them. Yes, you may be a disadvantage currently. But when has that held you back from anything?"

Izuku's eyes started watering. "Dabi..."

The flame boi gave a slight grin. "Yes, that is my name." 

The boy chuckled. "It's totally an awesome name." he wiped his beautiful green eyes. The eye that floated with sparks of determination and fury. The eyes the drew Dabi in from day one. After a final sniffle, Izuku stood tall. "Thank you, Dabi." 

"No problem. I'll help you anytime." He ruffled the boy's hair. It was soft, fluffy, and smooth. Dabi never wanted to stop running his hand through it. Izuku had a huge smile on his face. He nuzzled into his hand. 

'So soft... and cute.' Dabi thought. As he stared down at this wonderful boy before him, all Dabi could do was lift his chin once again. He looked so innocent, pure, and untouched. And Dabi only hoped he'd keep him that way. 

So slowly, he leaned down slowly. Izuku knew what was coming, but didn't bother moving, he didn't want to. Dabi chuckled when Izuku's eyes were squeezed tightly shut. His decent ended softly on Izuku's lips. 

The background character of this chapter smiled warmly at the scene before them, all but Toga. 

'Goddamnit Dabi....' she said in her thoughts. 

The dispute between Toga and Dabi for Izuku's love was still an ongoing theme for them. Neither of them has refused to give up, which causes conflicts between them. But it's futile.

Cause as it stands now, Izuku had already chosen his future love. 

And Toga had been a few minutes too late for his heart.  

But seeing Izuku so happy, Toga couldn't be mad at him for long. She'd just have to learn to let him go. 


And that's the end of this book folks. Now, don't worry, I'll be making a second book and all that, but I'll doing it for a reason. 

So, as you can tell, Izuku and Dabi are together now. And their both boys. And I know some people don't support that type of thing, which is fine. But I don't want to offend anyone with it. Which is why I'll be making a second book, and It will have a boy x boy tag. I had planned from the beginning that'd they'd be getting together, and I never planned on changing that. 

Those who are uncomfortable/don't support don't need to read the second book, but it will continue on further. I'm able halfway done with this story, and obviously, the second half will be in the other book. But as I said in this book, romance will not be the main focus. But there will be a handful of moments with the two lovebirds. 

But I didn't end it with a cliffhanger, so if you are satisfied with the ending and don't want to continue onward, then I thank you for reading Villains Work. It was a pleasure to have you and your positive comments and reads. I hope you enjoyed. 

And for those who'll go on to the second. Thanks for reading and I'll see you there. ;)

I love you all. 

Thanks for reading.


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1291 Words) 

Villains Work {Villain!Deku AU} (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now