Chapter 2

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16 years passed and the baby girl grew to a young women. Her adopted mother Gemma Avalon and her adopted father Lustres Avalon, gave her the name Scarlet Ember Avalon, but she preferred her middle name of Ember. Ember was naturally talented in the little magic her hexer parents could teach her, since they knew it could interfere with her natural sorcery. she had beautiful red fiery hair. She was of medium build. Her eyes were a crystal blue, the light shade of blue matched her pale complexion, but one look into her eyes would make anyone lose their train of thought. She grew up happy and with no knowledge of her real families hatred towards her parents relationship. This was her mother's wish, and it was keeped came true. Her adopted parents taught her protection spells, to keep the people in the city safe. Being the kind and benevolent people, who cared for others safety as well for their own. Every once in awhile they would put a holy barrier as close to the kingdom's borders as possible. Risking their lives to save many more. Today was different. The demons in the forest were extremely rowdy. The Avalon family had noticed how scared the demons appeared. The demons were to give zagan enough souls to survive until his next victim would give in. so they raided the towns near the forest every now and again.

" Ember, go to the third barrier and put out your strongest charm.", asked Gemma. Ember nodded at her mother and ran as close to the third border as she could. She began to cast her spell. she moved her arms in a graceful matter, and circular pattern. she turned her feet in a manner that would make any dancer shiver in her skills. She whispered a sweet melody. A chant to any near spirits listening, but before she was able to ask the spirits for their protection, a demon taller than any building near the town's edge. It stormed into the holy barriers of Embers parents. The demon was large and black. It walked on all fours using its arms as a way to increase its speed. It had two large tusks sticking out of its mouth. The monster was charging towards her uncompleted barrier. Knowing the demon was strong enough through her parents barriers she knew hers would do no good. Instead she would wait until the creature crossed the city where she would open the barriers on the other side of the city and trap it inside, then she would banish it back to the part of the forest from of which it came.

The demon stormed through the city in a rampage destroying everything in its way. The citizens were panicking at the sight of the inexorable monster. Ember chased after the demon. She realised she was too far into the city to do anything practical with her powers. Most of her magic can likely stop the rampage and easily lure the demon to her trap, but it was too flamboyant not to be spotted, and if she was spotted, she would burn at the stake. Ember decided to lead it into the outside of the city. She was struggling to figure out a way to lure the beast without drawing too much attention to herself. Right as she was thinking of how to accomplish such a dangerous task, the beast notice her. The beast saw how much power she possessed and began to attack her. Ember used this to her advantage. she started running towards the borders on the other side of the city. Before she could run the beast grabbed her by the waist. She was trapped in the monster's grasp. She decided to play the damsel in distress, for she knew none of the citizens had sufficient weapons to stop the beast. The demon had done its job, collect a soul that was needed, now all that was left was to kill the girl and take her soul to his master. Embers plan was almost complete the demon was about to exit the city with her in its hands. The plan was foolproof. She screamed a little, she flung her arms in the air, and called out for help. The knights would attack the beast with spears, guns, arrows, and various other weapons from a safe distance from the beast. They hope to scare the beast away and rescue the girl in the process but nothing would work. People saw this spectacle and followed it to the very end of their borders.

Finally victory was in her sight, when all of a sudden a tall, blond, guy not much older than Ember jumped on the beast. He was wearing black armor and seeing Ember in trouble, he reached for his sheath on his side.

he cried "do not worry fair maiden I shall rescue you from this foul beast."

all ember thought while the mysteries guy utter does cliche words were, "really, you couldn't even come up with anything that doesn't make you sound completely heroic and narcissistic.".

"My name is the Jet knight. I am here to free these citizens from evil."

Out of his sheath he pulled out not a sword but, a rapier. A long silver weapon that's thin, that is to be use as a way to defend oneself. Not attack. The young man stood straight as his all black outfit outlined all of his muscles. Ember stared at his face. It was hard to completely analyze his facial feature for the black mask covering half his face. All Ember could clearly see were his bright violet eyes. That seem to envelope you much likes Ember's. The knight feet were perfectly aligned with the rest of his body. He had his left hand behind his back ,while his right started to move his rapier up and down as if to bow at the beast and to show off his skills to Ember. He begins to accomplish multiple maneuvers with his rapier, he bowed once more and he put his rapier in his sheath. And went to hold her hand and help her out, when the beast screech and tried to attack the knight. The beast raised his fist to beat the knight into the ground. As soon as the he was able to spot the beast movements, he launch himself into the air, then twirled and came back down feet first.

"Hey there, no need to resort to violence", the knight said full of confidence.

All the beast did was roar and continue its rampage out of the city. The beast started going off course towards the heart of the city. Ember was not sure what to do to get it back to the forest border. She tried to think of a small chant that no one would notice and could be done with just her arms. Sadly nothing came to mind. To Embers surprise the beast let her go. It seems the beast was startled by the knight. He then jumped down from the beast and told ember to get as far away as possible, but before he could finish she was already sprinting to a place that would be easy to lure and capture the beast. As soon as the knight knew the girl was safe he leaped back into action. Once Ember reach the border, she turned and saw the battle between the beast and the knight.

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