Chapter 3

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 As she turned she notice the knight's moves in battle. It was quite obvious the he was quite agile and skilled. The beast tried to retreat, but the Jet knight kept attacking. Just then the knight moved his body and chants a spell. Ember would recognize a spell being performed anywhere. She desperately tried to warn the knight of his terrible mistake.The knight thought of her rapid gesture as a way to cheer him on, so he waved back. The fight was being watch by the whole city by that point. The knight would perform spells that caused the beast to cry out in agony. The beast had it, it began running towards her direction. Once again her plan seem in her reach. The beast was quickly approaching the outer gates of the city. Ember could finally send the beast back where it came from, without being spotted. Then she notice the knight in pursuit of the beast. She had to work fast to complete her prayer to gods of the forest. But sadly just like before she could no longer do anything. The knight made the beast flee in fear. Making Ember not able to send it back to where it belonged.

"What are you doing you imbecile, why did you let it run away. There's a high chance it will find its way back." Yelled Ember at the knights face

" sorry  I did not mean to upset you my lady I truly thought this was the best option. You see I am not from around here." apologized the knight while bowing.

Ember remarked,"Yeah, I could tell!"

"Well my deepest apologies, I did not mean ..." the knight said before being interrupted.

Ember rudely interrupted, "and let's not forget the extremely stupid thing of doing magic in a highly populated area, in the middle of a highly observed battle."

The knight was about to defend himself from the angry teen, when he felt a piercing pain on his left side. He fell to the ground, Wincing in pain. Ember turn him to his side to see a red blood seeping out of his left side. Ember gasped at how much blood was escaping out of the knight's body. She turned her head fractactly to see if anyone was around. Once she was certain, that no one could spot her. She close her eyes and whispered a tune. As soon as her melody ended her hands began to glow green. She quickly put her hands 3 inches above the wound. She slowly hovered above the wound, whispering ancient sounding words to a different tune to the one she hummed before. The wound on the knight stopped bleeding, she knew this would not last.

She looked him in the eyes and asked," can you stand?"

The knight nodded in response. Ember wrapped his right hand around her neck to support him. They began to slowly walk to her home in the forest

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