Chapter 4

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To another awesome person who gave me the most awesomest feedback!(notice the Thank you so much!<3


Chapter 4- After School Escapade

The shirt was a little too big for me that it reached right in the middle of my thigh, totally covering my shorts but who am I to complain right? I should be thankful. I picked my wet shirt and bra up and decided to go back to where Mathias was.

He was sitting there quietly, leaning against a tree, staring at nothing in particular, a gentle smile tugging on his lips as if recalling a nice memory. For a fleeting moment I thought I saw his eyes clouded with sadness but then he must have noticed me as his gaze dart at me giving me one full grin. His smile was contagious that I can feel myself smiling back at him which made him grin wider if possible. He then stood up, picked his backpack and wore it on his back as I walk right at him. "Let's Go?" 

I nodded and together we headed back.


"So, what are you doing here?" He asked breaking the silence.

I stiffened, knowing exactly well what he's asking but what am I suppose to answer to that? Oh you know, I saw you so I followed you. Come on! How stalkerish is that? So I just shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and pretended not to understand his question. "Walking."

He stopped short to look at me, letting out a snort. "I see." His eyes dancing with amusement. "I never would have guessed."

I nodded stubbornly. "Yep."

We continued walking, me looking straight ahead while he continue to burn a hole in my face. And it's pretty damn clear in my peripheral vision that he's smiling.

"You know, if you wanted to join me you're welcome to tag along." His voice laced with amusement. Damn this boy. What the hell is he thinking now?

"And it's okay to walk beside me you know. No need to be a couple of trees away from me. It may come off as creepy" He stage whispered his last words, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly making me stop dead in my tracks, my jaw dropping on the ground and my eyes as wide as saucers. What the-! My head snapped at him quickly.

Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts! Dammit!

I was kind of two steps ahead of him, going for just ignoring him so turning my head over 180 degrees was kind of overkill.

Ouch! Freaking hell! I rub the spot between my nape and my neck.

A bark of hysterical laughter escaped his lips. He was full on laughing. His eyes wrinkling at the sides, mouth wide open, his hands clutching his stomach. It was really a sight to behold. If the reason doesn't have anything to do with me being humiliated. Sadly it was and I can't feel anything but pissed. Asshole!

He knows. Dammit! He saw me following him and he didn't even show any sign that he did! He was watching me make a fool of myself! Damn Infuriating Prick!

"Oh God! Your face-! Priceless!" He said inbetween guffaws.

"You look like you got electrocuted!Hahahaha!"

I can feel heat creeping up my face as I glowered at him. Ugh! "I hate you!"I exclaimed enraged, and stomped my way out of the woods.

"Wait up! I'm sorry!" He cried out, running after me, Hands still clutching his stomach, His face flushed and eyes a little bit misty. His face suddenly became serious like he's concentrating real hard on something. It must have taken him a huge amount of strength to control himself from doubling over again.

Admit it. You yourself kind of find this funny. I was still glaring at him though not really meaning it anymore. God, He looked constipated.

Okaaaaaay, that must have been wrong. If I want to make an impression here I shouldn't think of something that'll make me laugh. Oh God! This is painful to look at. Oh my God! He looked totally constipated! Oh Shit! I can't.

And then just as expected, I burst out laughing. Sad, really. "I hate you!" glaring playfully at him. "Well so-orry! I was curious okay? I saw you sneaking when I- What?" I scowled as I noticed him staring intently at me, his right eyebrow raised.

He blinked then shook his head, flashing me an amused smile "So you were following me? Wow, I never thought you were such a stalker!" He clucked his tongue at me, eyes wide mockingly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. This Guy. So quick to change his mood. From laughing to scowling then back at laughing. Is he bipolar or something? "Who said about following? I said I was curious! As in curious! C-U-R-I-O-U-S!"

His eyes darted upwards for a second. "Okay okay, Geez! I get it. You were curious, you didn't follow me, and you weren't a stalker. Happy?"

"Very" I smirked triumphantly.

"Great!" Clapping his hands together in a this-conversation-is-over manner. "Now can we get going? As you can see it's getting dark and as much as I love your company, I'd prefer to get out of the woods while I can still see my way out." He stated matter-of-factly.

I ignored him which emitted a round of chuckles from him.


"Stop following me!" I hissed as I made my way back home.

"I'm not!"

I stopped walking to glare at him, pointing at the direction we came from. "Last time I checked you live THAT way!"

"Should I be scared?" He mocked-terrified, eyes widening innocently.

"What-why?" I asked confused.

"You know where I live!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and resumed walking. "Everybody knows where you live. You throw parties every- you know what? I don't need to explain myself!"


I narrowed my eyes and hit him repeatedly with my shirt. Ugh. "I hate you!" I hissed.

"Hey, Hey! Take it easy! That hurt like a bitch!" He playfully whined.

"Well you deserve it!"

"Oh come on! You are such a serious head! Lighten up why don't you?"

Glowering at him, I was about to retort when he suddenly came to a stop.

"Well I guess this is it" He stated with a smile, nodding at the house infront of him which is-surprise!- where I live.

I stopped beside him.

"Sooooo." He beamed at me, waving while walking backwards "Later, Jessica."

He turned around and leave. And for some reason as I watch his retreating form getting smaller and smaller I feel......sad.

I sighed. And this is why I told you to close yourself up Jessica. Why was I acting that way earlier? Need I remind you what happened eight months ago? Haven't you learned already?

I shook my head, opened the gates and entered our house as soon as he was out of my sight. It's been awhile since I've laughed like that. It was kind of relieving but at the same time frightening. It was a mistake. I can't let my guard down like that.

Not this time.

After School EscapadeWhere stories live. Discover now