Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

I'm soooo sorry for the very late update! This is the only break I had from school. Hopefully someone will still read this.<3

I dedicate this chapter to everyone who read, vote, commented and added my story in their reading list! Thank you soo much! You guys are awesome! So here's the next chapter for you! Hope you'll like it!:)


Chapter 5

You would think eight months of practically blending with the walls would make me invisible enough. Okay, it did actually for some and thank heaven for that! But there are still people who regard me as if I'm their latest science experiment gone wrong and they need to research further about it. Seriously, the only thing missing from their inquisitive eyes-as I pass by them or if I'm at least within their sight-is a pair of goggles and they're all set. I tried dropping a pin once just to see their reaction and wasn't disappointed when they let out a staccato of gasps. I was biting my lower lip so hard just to keep myself from doubling over. Now that was actually quite entertaining to say the least.

I quickened my pace as I made my way to my locker and shove everything inside my bag because as much as I hate to admit, all the staring is still freaking me out a bit 'til now and made my way-as I try my best to ignore their burning stares-to my first class.

Did I mention I love my first class? As I enter, the loud noises that can be heard before I opened the door were now muted. Every single gaze snapped at me and made their way to my one and only beloved ex-best friend, Ara. All eyes were on us eager for the great show of entertainment-which is surprise! Ara and me-that was soon to follow. Heck, I even saw someone munching on popcorn, eyes gleaming with interest. See now why I love this class? Note the sarcasm.

"Well, well. Lookey here. If it isn't ole great rich bessie, Jessie!" Ara cheerfully stated earning a series of chuckles from the room.

I simply brushed her off as I made my way to take a seat at the back near the window-the only thing that made this class bearable.

"Cat got your tongue, honey?" She cooed mockingly. All gaze turned to me waiting expectantly. She then gasped "Oh wait, I'm sorry! I forgot! You can't speak right?-pause for dramatic effect- You don't know how!" Someone snorted. I just continue to ignore them finding the bug crawling helplessly in the window more interesting. Poor bug, seems like you lost a wing. Just like me.

"You've always been-"

"Okay class, settle down." Save by Mr. Rubio, our math teacher. Like the good students that they were, they settled down including Ara because as much as she hates me, academics are very important for her. She has always dreamt of becoming successful and ridiculously rich one day.

"The Pythagorean theorem can be..." I turned them out after that and returned to staring outside the window. The bug is nowhere to be seen. Must have fallen when I tore my gaze away from it.

By the looks of it, gym class is being held outside today and they're playing dodge ball it seems. I was just mindlessly staring at their carefree way of playing-laughing while running away from the ball-when something caught my eye. Or should I say someone. He was the one throwing the ball and he looked so happy, so carefree. I don't know maybe it was unintentionally but for some reason his eyes wandered in my direction and our gazes locked. We stared at each other for ages though maybe it was just for a second as the corner of his lips turned up and he smiled that ridiculously huge smile he also gave me when I smiled back at him while we were in the woods. The spell was broken when some guy from his class pointed to the ball that was near Mathias' feet shouting something incoherent to him which made him tear his gaze away, picked the ball and throw it to the other end smiling. I quickly averted my gaze back to Mr. Rubio when I realize I was gawking shamelessly.


The day went by with nothing spectacular, just that Ara tried tripping me with her legs letting out an exaggerated sorry which I'm happy to say I successfully avoided and ignored. Brittany and Malaine calling me names only kids would take offense to. And the normal stares I got whenever I pass by. Without me knowing it, it's already break. Yay! My favorite time!

I hate breaks. Because they make me feel what I don't want to feel, missing. I hate myself for still longing for the physical and emotional contact I get from somebody. Hate myself for missing laughing and having someone to talk to. Hate myself for missing someone else's company. I hate myself for missing those ridiculous bitches I have for friends. I hate myself for simply being affected.

Because that's what it is. I can never have them back. I should never feel it again if I don't want to get hurt. Because let me tell you something. Being betrayed the way I have it, hurts like hell. And that is something I'm not willing to experience all over again.

I made my way to the lockers and carefully slip the shirt I brought with me inside one, which is Mathias' locker and quickly went to the school cafeteria before anyone notice what I did, grabbed my food which consists of a sandwich and juice and made my way to the only table no one dares to occupy. No one dares because that's where I've been sitting for the past eight months.

I continue to eat inside the cafeteria-even if the only thing I want is to be anywhere but-just to give myself the satisfaction of not giving my bitch friends the satisfaction. Does that make any sense? To make it simple, I'm just a glutton for punishment. Damn right I must be masochist. Yeah, that should be it.

I notice movement out of the corner of my eye, taking a seat in front of me. Not bothering to look, knowing damn well who it was because this happens every single day, I stood up, grabbed my lunch and made my way out of the cafeteria. "Aw, come on!" He playfully whined. Followed by the sound of scraping chair against the floor and loud footsteps right behind me. "Jessica wait up!"

I made my way across the halls ignoring the guy right beside me matching my pace perfectly. Normally I would just ignore him as if he wasn't sitting in front of me. But right now. I don't want to be anywhere near him. I exited through the back door and made a beeline to the field.

"Jessica" I ignored him.

After a while of circling and chasing, I realized that there was no way I can brush this guy off. Defeated, I went over a huge tree, took a seat, letting its leaves surround me by its shade and leaned against it. He proceeded to seat right next to me, maintaining a good distance from me. Smart choice but still not where I want him to be.

"Okay, before you get up" Which is what I'm supposed to do "It's useless. I'll follow you anywhere you go so if I were you, I'll just stay right there."

I sighed exhausted, leaned back and resumed eating my sandwich. We sat there for a couple of minutes in silence-me finishing up my sandwich and juice, him I don't know what he's doing since I refuse to look at him-when he decided to break it.

"Getting used to me already?" He teased.Okay, I'm done.

"No. No. No. Wait! It's a joke Okay? I was joking!" He exclaimed trying real hard to keep a straight face. I can't ignore him anymore. I glared at him. That's when I noticed his nose making my eyebrows furrowed. "What happened to your nose?" I frowned.

"Ooh. Now she's talking!" Yep. Done.

"Seriously? I was kidding! Jesus!" He laughed.

"You know what? Talk to someone who cares!"

"Ouch." He wrinkled his nose, his eyes gleaming with contained laughter. To make my day any better, the bell rang. Great. Just what I needed. I'm late.

"Hey, where are you going?" walking beside me. I brush him off. "That's not the way to your next class." No response.

"That's the exit."

"No shit." I deadpanned. He laughed. What the hell? What's so funny now?

"You" Okay, Seriously?

"Why are you following me?" I asked as I realized he followed me outside the school.

"Where are you going?" He asked ignoring my question. Well then. So be it. I walked faster determined for him to get the hint and leave me the hell alone.

I was on my way to the park when he suddenly grabbed my arm, grinning mischievously at me. "Let's Go!" 

Stunned, all I can do at the moment was to follow.

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