Star Trek Voyager: Frontiers of Exile (Chapter 2)

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“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Janeway admitted honestly to Keralova as they sat in the latter’s spacious and sun-dappled office, having just listened to Starfleet’s new proposal with a mixture of curiosity and incredulity.

Keralova’s eyes narrowing in questioning surprise. “Oh? I really thought you’d be delighted Kathryn.” Her gaze suddenly frosted over as she leaned challengingly back in her chair, “After all, you’ve been advocating the rehabilitation of your former Maquis crewmembers for months now.”

Janeway flushed slightly, she’d thoughts her efforts to put in a good word for her crew had gone mostly unnoticed, at least after the initial heroes’ welcome they had received on Voyager’s return home had faded into memory. “Of course I have.” She replied firmly, “They’re some of the best people that I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with and they deserve a second chance.” She spoke truthfully. She really did believe her former crew were some of the best personnel available to Starfleet, despite the Maquis impediment. If she had been able to overlook that for the past seven years and prosper, why couldn’t Starfleet as a whole?

“Then why do you hesitate to recommend your former First Officer, your right hand on Voyager by all accounts, for the posting in the Demeter system?” Keralova pressed mercilessly, “You don’t think he’s capable of it?”

Kathryn Janeway had always thought herself to be a pretty dab hand in the cut and thrust game of negotiation, but her fellow Admiral was good, very good. Suppressing her defensive instincts, she sensed that would be playing into Keralova’s hands, she gave a nonchalant laugh, “Believe me, if Chakotay weren’t supremely capable then he would’ve been dead long before I even met him, leaving his long term on Voyager out of the question.”

Keralova was silent for a few seconds before her expression again became calm and controlled. “That was our assessment, he’s a skilled officer and his background makes him perfectly suited, as far as we’re concerned, to the…complex situation in the Demeter system.”

Janeway couldn’t stop her teeth from grinding together in irritation. A complex situation? Violent and unstable would be more like it, she mentally snorted. “It’s his past which I think might make it more difficult for him…” She said quietly.

“You don’t think he’s put his Maquis past behind him?” Keralova inquired sharply, “If that’s the case then I’m not sure you’re right in pushing any of them into Starfleet positions…” She trailed off with a sigh, her hard gaze becoming sympathetic as if she were an actress who’d flipped some sort of emotional switch. “To be honest, I’m doing him a favour in putting him forward for Demeter. If he succeeds there, every door will be open to him career-wise.”

“I realise that.” Janeway conceded coolly. If she was completely honest with herself, she wasn’t sure how much value Chakotay put on a Starfleet career, she’d never been sure even on Voyager. She knew he’d never let go of the righteousness of his Maquis cause, and she’d never changed her mind about his betrayal of Starfleet being utterly wrong. Perhaps that had been one reason why, however close shared experiences had made them, they’d never been entirely open with each other. This mission could just bring all his old doubts back to the surface about Starfleet, but she doubted he’d appreciate her turning it down on his behalf. She started to stand up from her chair, ready to leave this uneasy dilemma behind. “I broach the idea with him, and he and his wife can decide for themselves if they want to pursue it with you…”

“His wife is Voyager’s Borg isn’t she? That’s another thing we’ll need to consider…” Keralova mused.

Janeway bristled, “Her name is Seven of Nine. I don’t see what her history with the Borg has to do with this…”

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