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The call had made every officer in the building shudder slightly.

It was the second time that week that someone had called in to say that they woke up to find blood and icy spikes scattered around their building.

Officer Maris Prancer was on duty that day, and had been sent to go check out the incident at a local library.  She thought nothing of it, last time it had happened nothing dangerous happened to the officers who were sent to check it out.

Prancer got out of her car, and slowly walked up the library steps, and knocked softly on the door.

Nothing.  The librarian had said that he would be there to let her in, though he wasn't there.  It made her uneasy, but she pressed on.

She shoved the door open, surprised to find that it swung open with ease.  She started walking through the empty building, keeping a close eye on the bloodied spikes.

Libraries certainly were creepy, weren't they?  Especially this one, which was modelled like a renaissance building.  Peaked ceiling, faux stone arches, and old-looking bookcases really tied up the look.

But now, it looked like a rundown shack.  The archways had broken and fallen from the ceiling, leaving a dangerous path that Prancer had to maneuver about.  Cobwebs swaddled the cases, giving the look that no one had touched this place in 20 years.  Of course, that was false, as she herself had been there not three days ago.

"Hello?"  Prancer called, her hand resting on her holstered gun.  Her voice echoed through the barren wasteland, and her sneakers made painfully loud clack clack clacks on the hard linoleum.

She rounded a bookcase, and screamed.  There, lying on the ground in a bloodied mess was the librarian.  His face was mutilated, his eyes a bloody pulp and his cheeks completely ripped out.  His body was far too gone, just a mangled mess of organs and flesh.  It made Prancer want to throw up, but she couldn't, she still had to find out who was doing this.

And as the door to the library slammed shut behind her, and the sound of a lock clicking reached her ears, she was quite confident she was just about to find out.

Weapon drawn she whirled about, just in time to see a blast of white trap her fingers to the barrel of her gun.  She tried to wiggle them away from the substance, but no dice.

" Well. Well. Well.  What do we have here?"  A sickly sweet voice drawled, revealing the culprit.

Prancers jaw basically hit the floor.  She was expecting some rough-and-tumble criminal, one that she had probably arrested before, not some kid. Okay, the girl in front of her looked in her mid-twenties, but that's not the point.

The girl had masculine-cut silver hair, piercing blue eyes, and the palest skin Prancer had ever seen.  She stalked forwards slowly, a wicked grin adorning her sharp face.

"My my My, a high-level police officer, eh?  Maris Prancer, my my, many people tall about your bravery, your bravado.  Too bad you reputation will end tonight."  She finished off her statement with a howling laugh, one that shook the entire building.

It was now that Prancer realized that something was seeping into the air around the criminal, something white and hazy.  She tried to turn away, but discovered that her feet were also trapped.

" Oh, where are my manners!"  The girl exclaimed, slapping a hand over her mouth, "My name is Moon.  Get comfy with that name, it'll be the last you hear."

Prancer was starting to get mad.  What was this girl? Why did she keep attacking the city?  Oh, she was going to find out, even if it killed her.

" What the hell do you want, woman!  Leave this goddamn city alone!"  She snarled, struggling to break free of her restraints.

Moon tsked at her, a bored expression on her face.  "Oh, I'm gonna have fun with you.  Don't you know not to assume pronouns?  Really, you should be ashamed."  She ended off her statement with insane giggles, just as she produced a dagger of ice from thin air.

"Lots of fun."

The last thing Prancer knew was pain.  She had been strapped down to the floor with ice restraints, and for over two hours had been tortured in awful ways.

All the while Moon stood, giggling, as they cut patterns and swirly designs into Prancers skin.  They were getting bored, though, very bored, so they decided to step it up.

They started tearing at the officers face with their bare hands, splattering blood all over their face and arms.  They kept going, and going, until Prancers face was unrecognizable and her screams had all together stopped.

Moon stood up, a crazed look still haunting their eyes.  They shattered the ice knife, then mopped up the blood staining their arms and face with a rag.

It was startling how prepare they were for this, what with bringing tools for clean up and gags to keep the librarian quiet.

They certainly were a dangerous criminal, and they certainly weren't going to stop anytime soon.

- - - - ⚘ - - - -

It was a day or mourning back at the police station, two days later. 

Officer Prancer hadn't come back from her mission, and a fellow officer had found her mutilated body at the scene she had been sent to.

No one worked that day, instead they attended an impromptu funeral.  Prancer hadn't had any family in the state, so the police officers decided it was their duty to throw her one.

Protect and serve, that was their motto, wasn't it?  But how could they, when they could even protect one of their own.

Little did they know that as they reminisced about the good times, someone was watching.

Watching, and planning.

No one seemed suspicious, actually, some were saying that they saw some big burly man leaving the library at the time of her death.

Moon gave a concealed smile, and turned away.

They had work to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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