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  Elizabeth's POV
-Don't fall asleep Emily
-I will only close my eyes
-Not even that
-Please...- she begged
-Don't close your eyes...
-EMILYY!!- her mother shouted
-Shhh, we don't have to shout because her head hurts-I told them-So, Dr Shepherd, can she go to sleep?
-Well, since she doesn't know much yet she can, but she will forget everything. Like nothing ever happened.
-Well, Emily, you may...I think its too late-I laughed when I realized she was already sleeping.
    Then everyone left except Jack and me. I left Emily a note that said:

            If  you wake up or need something and we are not awake, wake us up. We are the people next to you. Don't worry, you are safe and if your head hurts it's because you fell down.
PS: You won't remember anything so don't worry.
      I woke up in the morning and found Emily and Jack still sleeping. The only person I saw was Carson, that was checking on her.
-She didn't wake up yet, did she?
-No. And how are you with the pregnancy?
- Morning sickness, always dizzy, headaches, and more. But I'm sure it will be totally worth it.
-That's true.
-Miss Thatcher?-I hear Emily say.
-Emily? Do you remember me?
-Of course, you are my teacher. Oh, I'm sorry I never got to tell you, congratulations on the baby!!
-Oh, Thank you!
-I don't mean to be rude but who is he?
-Hello Emily, I'm your doctor. If you need anything tell me.
-Okay, Thank you.

    I was very surprised, I couldn't believe she remembered me! I decided to ask some people she knew, to go to the Infirmary and see if she remembered someone else. Once we were all there she said
-Mmhhh... I only remember you, Miss Thatcher.
    I was shocked and at the same time happy that she remembered me. Then Carson said that as I was the only one she remembered, the best would be that she slept in our house until she remembered because she would be more comfortable and sleep better. She would be at our house at night and if she wanted in another moment she could come too. After 1 week, we left the Infirmary and went to our house.
-This is Jack. He is the Mountie of the town. He will be like your dad until you remember everything-I explained.
-If you need something or have an emergency or anything, tell me.
-Okay, thank you for everything.
Once we arrived Emily left. Some things and we showed her the room where she was going to sleep.  She loved it. Then we decided to take her to have dinner in Abigail's cafe. She ordered fried chicken with mashed potatoes and for dessert an apple pie. Then we went back to our house and she went to sleep.
-I'm going to read you a story that your mother told me she read to you before you went to sleep.
-Once upon a tim,e there was a beautiful duck that...
I told her the whole story but before I could finish she said:
-Even though they had a hard life, the ducklings lived happily ever after.
-Do you remember it?
-Yes, a part of it. Goodnight Miss Thatcher.
-Goodnight Emily.
Then I went to my bedroom and saw Jack already laying on the bed.
-How is she?- he said.
-I don't know how, but she remembered the story I read her.
-That's great.
-Goodnight Jack.
I wake up at midnight to see Emily by my side telling me her head hurt too much, more than it did before. Then I thought we had to go to the Infirmary.

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