My Place This Time

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Yoongi had decided that he would indeed, test his feelings. So his great plan was to invite Hoseok over to his apartment this time. He was cleaning up his room until he got a text from Hoseok.

"So you're really okay with me coming over?"

"I'm sure. So please come over, we can't stop being friends because of something that surprised me." Yoongi was simply trying not to loose another friendship. He didn't have too many of them.

"Okay. One condition? You saw my home the way it usually is, so I want to see how your apartment is normally. Please?"

Yoongi sighed. "Fine. Now come on over."

Yoongi stopped cleaning, disappointedly leaving his clothes on the floor. He sighed again. "But he'll see how messy I am." He checked the time, then went to check on his plants, his attention on the one Hoseok gave him, wanting to ease his nerves. He also wanted to have tea, but he lived closer to Hoseok then he originally thought, so he didn't want to be busy with something when he knocked on the door. He didn't know why he had sudden nerves, so he continued to pet his plants until he heard a doorbell. He was so used to knocks from Jungkook that he forgot his doorbell worked.

"So he's one of those guys. So polite and formal at first I bet." He went to the door and opened it to a smiling Hoseok. He was wearing a nice button down, and pants. Somehow the formal casual looked really good on him. Yoongi half smiled in response and let him in.

"Thank you again for inviting me over. I thought you were going to be 'thinking about it' for a while...but I'm thankful you've made up your mind I'm guessing? I-I'm okay know, us being...just friends-or"

"Just, stop talking right now. Let's sit? My living room is small and only has one bedroom?"

"Yeah, sorry, sure."

Yoongi walked to his room, and glanced at Hoseok, who was looking at everything around him.


Hoseok looked around to see a messy, but lived in apartment. He enjoyed the sight, since Yoongi seemed like such a put together person when he first heard about him. He enjoyed seeing how lived in the place was, and made a mental note. He wanted his apartment to look a little more lived in then the cleaned empty space it was. Yoongi walked to his room, and he saw the clothes on the floor. He pushed away any sexual thoughts, and sat on the bed next to Yoongi, both leaning back against the wall.

"Please get comfortable while you're here."

"I'll try my best. It's very different then mine, no doubt."

"I know. I was cleaning up before you texted me, otherwise I would've put my clothes away, sorry about that."

"No, it's okay, I like that your place looks lived in. Mine looks so empty compared."

"Well, I'm sure we can do something about that."

Hoseok looked at Yoongi. "We?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah...of course."

Hoseok felt his stomach get butterflies suddenly. As he looked at Yoongi, he saw him fiddling with the end of his shirt, looking down.

"Do you still like me?"

"I haven't stopped for a while..."

"Good. I've made up my mind. Can we try that kiss again?" He looked up at Hoseok shyly, a small smile on his face. And once again, Hoseok couldn't hold back, his instinct taking over.

"I thought you'd never ask."

And with that cheesy answer, Hoseok leaned closer and kissed Yoongi, this time more carefully, like it was their first kiss. It should've been. But Hoseok didn't care this time. He didn't regret kissing Yoongi, because he had a small assumption that Yoongi wouldn't have known his feelings otherwise. Hoseok turned their careful kiss into a more passionate one, putting one hand on the back of Yoongi's head, making them even closer. Both of Yoongi's hands were on Hoseok's thighs, being careful not to go any farther. They slowed the kiss, having to catch their breath.

Yoongi let out a long, happy sigh, both of their foreheads pressed together. "Wow. I'm impressed."

"With? You have no idea how happy I am right now." Hoseok's cheeks had turned slightly red, his thoughts gone wild. He politely kept them to himself.

"You're an amazing kisser." He had turned his entire body towards Hoseok, his cheeks also slightly red, smiling a little.

"Then can I kiss you again?"

Yoongi could only nod, his mouth about to say yes before he was attacked with another kiss, this time less careful, and more passionate, full of Hoseok's happiness. Yoongi slinked on top of Hoseok's lap to make it easier for them to kiss, not knowing how much he made Hoseok's thoughts fly around for the third time. He carefully shifted Yoongi so he was more on his legs, with one hand on his back, and one on Yoongi's thigh. Yoongi had both of his hands in Hoseok's hair, kissing him with just as much passion and happiness. Hoseok felt like this was his first time feeling as though he had a friend along with a lover. One in the same, a two in one thing. It made him feel even more loved then his previous relationships combined.

Hoseok couldn't help but want to explore, but he didn't know Yoongi's boundaries, so he carefully snaked one of his hands up Yoongi's shirt, not going very far. Yoongi didn't stop him...but he still didn't know the boundaries, so he pulled away from the kiss to see a very red Yoongi, who looked to the side immediately.

Hoseok felt his face heat up even more. He looked at the celling, trying to find out how to tell Yoongi he was aroused. But with his luck, he didn't need to.

"You um...need...the restroom?"

"Y-yeah...thanks to you."

"Sorry...? But it's nice to know I have that kind of effect on you." Yoongi smiled a little to himself and Hoseok removed his hand from under his shirt. Yoongi flopped to the side, laying down on his bed, and watched Hoseok get up and go to the bathroom. Yoongi continued to lay down, trying to get his face less red. He couldn't help but continue to smile and roll around. He mentally thanked Namjoon and Jungkook for being the best support. He carefully sat up and tried to get his heart rate back to normal, but he couldn't help but think of what just happened, and, well, he couldn't help but think about if they had gone farther. Hoseok had come back out, and went to Yoongi.

"I don't know if I should stay the night or go home, since I have early classes and you have late classes."

"If you want to sleep in your own bed, then I don't mind seeing you tomorrow."

"Well, I really want to sleep with you-I mean with you as in beside you, but it might be good to not tempt me tonight...if you know what I mean?"

"I understand. I'll see you tomorrow then?" Yoongi stood up to say goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Don't stay up all night thinking about this."

"Don't worry, I'll dream about it instead."

Hoseok smiled. "I think I will too. Goodnight Yoongi."

"Goodnight Hoseok." He gave him a kiss on the cheek, and walked him to the door, locking it behind Hoseok.

While Hoseok walked home, all he could think about was the clothes on the floor, and how he wanted their clothes to have been added to the pile.

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