Chapter 5

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I awoke. My eyes flittered open. I was surrounded by clouds and a big golden gate stood before me. In front of it, a white earth pony with golden hair that spiraled down held a clip board in her hooves. (Lilly Bright)

"Tayla Starlight" She called.

Frazzled, I began trotting up to her with question.

"Where am I?" My sweet voice quivered with fear.

Her smile was comforting and it made me feel at home.

"Welcome to heaven little unicorn."

I felt my face scrunch up into a confused expression.

"H-he-heaven?" I breathed heavily. "I'm de-dead?!" Tears formed in my eyes and I felt a soft hoof being placed on my wings.

I heard a gasp turned my head up. Lilly bright's tone was more serious.

"Good heavens! Your an alicorn!"

I studied myself as if I hadn't ever done so before.

Tears flowed out of my eyes and my voice was rough and crackly.

"So what!?"

"Hey everyone! A princess has come!"

A bunch of mutters came from the crowd beyond the golden gate.

Princess Tay La Heaven (MLP fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now