Three - Vegans and Bogans

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Chapter Three

- Vegans and Bogans

"Morning Luke." My mother greeted me as I slowly walked into the lounge room. I took a seat on the couch and watched whatever show had been on the television. It seemed to be a morning show of some sort that I wasn't interested with, but watched it anyway.

The weather man came on and started telling us what the weather forecast was going to be that day. Finally, it reached my state and it told us that it was going to be twenty degrees celcius with a high chance of rain. That didn't effect any of my plans, since I didn't have any. Charlotte groaned from the kitchen, because she couldn't go to the beach and show off to a bunch of boys and make them buy her stuff. I was ninety-nine percent sure that had been how she spent all of her saturday afternoons.

"Who used the last of the milk?" Charlotte yelled after about thirty seconds. I rolled my eyes, because it was probably her who had done it. She often accused people of using the last of the milk, when she was the one who had a bowl of cereal, a coffee and a hot Milo every morning. No one gave her an answer, which had obviously annoyed her even more, because she started yelling again. "Luke? Was it you? It was, wasn't it?" Rolling my eyes, I yawned before answering her.

"Why would I drink milk? I'm a vegan!"

"Why even are you a vegan?" She said, walking out of the kitchen with a empty milk carton in her left hand. Before I could answer, the phone that was sitting on my lap started to ring. Unknown number. I stared at my screen for a moment, before tapping on the 'decline' button. Wondering who on Earth that could've been, Charlotte interrupted my thinking.

"Who was that?" Charlotte asked.

"Why have you got to be a nosy bitch all the time?" I asked her rhetorically.

"Luke!" My mother said, giving me a death stare. I didn't reply to her saying sorry, because I was too tired to. "Go have some breakfast Lucas. You're moody when you're hungry."

I ignored my mother and walked towards my bedroom. Once I had reached my room, I noticed that I had recieved a text from the unknown number that had tried to call me before. After I had typed in my passcode, which was '6969', I opened the text and I could almost guess who it had been, but I couldn't be completely sure.

-> Unknown Number

"why did u lie to me??"

Quickly typing a response, I grabbed my notebook from under my bed, a pencil off my desk and lay down on my bed.

-> Me

"who is this?"

I started to sketch in my notebook, the start of a girl. I had planned to draw a boy originally, but the shape of the face seemed somewhat feminine so I decided to draw a girl version instead. My phone vibrated on my thigh and I picked it up and tapped my passcode in.

-> Unknown Number

"who do u think?? its calum"

Adding him to my contacts, I thought of a response while I was drawing the girls lips. They were messy and undetailed, but I didn't mind. It wasn't as though I was going to show it to anyone. After I had thought of something to type, I quickly sent the text.

-> Me

"i didn't lie to you."

-> Calum Hood

"here we go again!! your lying again i saw you with michael!!"

I rolled my eyes at his spelling, but decided not to correct him. If he wanted to learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're' he would've back in primary school. I had learnt the difference between the two in grade four, but Calum wasn't me. Calum obviously didn't care about how he spelt.

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