Five - Wonderwall

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Chapter Five

   - Wonderwall

Time quickly passed, and before I knew it, it was Monday once again. After I had climbed out of my mother's car, I headed towards the entrance of the school. The doors weren't open yet, even though they were meant to be opened seven minutes ago which I thought was slightly strange, but I shrugged it off. Sitting on a low wall like many of the other students, I swung my bag around and started to search through it. When I found 'Looking for Alaska', I zipped it back up and pulled it back where it was meant to be.

I started to read the book, just skimming through. It wasn't very interesting, mainly because there wasn't any superheros with paranormal powers. It seemed just like another sappy love story, especially with that boy going to some boarding school and that Alaska girl. Who even calls their daughter after a state in America?

A few pages later, the doors were unlocked, and I headed to my locker. After I unlocked the locker, I threw my bag inside and locked it back up. I walked towards my home group classroom and sat in my usual position. For a minute or so, I listened to a few friend groups talk about how wasted they got, or how they "totally aced the piano exam", until I remember that I had my phone and earplugs in my pocket. I fished them out, plugged the earphones in and started to listen to the amazing music by Green Day.

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"Luke, wait up!" The familar voice of Erin called from behind. Spinning around, I watched as the coral haired girl made her way towards me, while trying to dodge all of the others trying to make their way to their period two classes. She had a music folder pressed to her chest; we also shared a music class. We walked side by side to the music room, and pretented to listen to her talk about Justice Crew.

By the time we made it to room, it was five minutes into the lesson. Ms Westerfeld glared at us as we walked in, but didn't say a word. She ticked our names on the attendance, and Erin grabbed a flute, and I searchec for the guitar that I used twice a week. Once I found it, I took it by the neck and headed for the guitar room.

In my class, there was seven people who had chosen to play guitar. Most of the time I would just sit with the others and learn a new song, but occasionally, I would go to a practice room (there was two of them) and write a new song or practice one that I've wrote. Eventually, I made it to the guitar room and sat on one of the seats. They were very uncomfortable, but it was most likely the best my school could afford.

"Hello Luke." Amhed greeted me, taking his guitar and resting it on his lap. There was still an accent in his voice, even though he had moved from Algeria to Australia in year four, and sometimes it was hard to hear what he was saying. It wasn't just his accent, English wasn't his first language, and he hadn't started learning it until about a month before he moved, so there was times when his grammar wasn't the best.

"Hi." I replied. The other five teenagers were quietly having a conversation, I wasn't sure what about because I decided not to eavesdrop.

"What song are we going to learn?" Maya asked, taking her brown hair and pulling it into a ponytail. The question was followed by plenty of shrugs and 'I don't know's.

"How about Riptide?" Carrie suggested, recieving glares from most of the others. She had started playing guitar that year, while the rest of us started playing the year before or the year before that. We had played that song so much the year before that none of us ever wanted to hear the tune to that song again. The rhythm was engraved into our brains.

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that." Maya replied. "Someone please just choose a song or an artist!"

After a couple of suggestions, we realised that the good ones weren't in the box of compositions, and decided to just flick through, pick a random song and play it. We could've just searched for the song on the internet and print out the chords, but we hadn't thought of that. Carrie flicked through, shut her eyes and took out one of the folders. It was Wonderwall by Oasis.

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