Whee....team 7....

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Thanks to menoesunagirlnormal8, I have to continue..... I still can't believe someone got it...


Here's something about me, I know how to zone out. So I only picked up that I would be staying with Kakashi and I needed to go o the acadmy. Apparnetly, my physical skills were pretty much enough to beceome a shinobi....pathetic.

"Are you listening?" I rolled my eyes at Kakashi. Of course I wasn't. He noticed and sighed. "Here we are." He stopped in front of the Acadamy. My eyes lit up excidetdly. I don't know why I'm here though....If I'm just gonna br on team 7 automatically....

I sighed and walked into the building and pulled out a map. I got it from a fan book. 

"GRAH! I CAN'T READ  THE DAMN THING!" I yellefd and kicked down a random door. I looked up to see a lot of students giving me weird stares. I recongnized  most of them and their teacher, Iruka Umino.

"...Tch. So this is the place?" I asked no one in particular.

"...UH...Yes." I turned to find a sweatdropping Iruka.  sighed. 

"Uhh....gomenasai." I walked in. "I'm Amaya Chi. The Hokage is forcing me to be here." I grumbled. Iruka nodded slowly and heaseitantly.

"Uh...I was informed. Class, this is Amaya Chi. She's a new student." Didn't I just say that? Oh well, Iruka is an awsome character. He turned to me. "You can sit anywhere." I nodded and looked at the classroom. A couple of empty seats littered the room.

One near Saskue *shudder*, one near Naruto :D, some random people and Hinata. I walked foward and sat neaer Naruto. 

"Uhhh... hey!" he greeted me. His face was red. 

"You okay?" I asked him. "Do you have a fever?" I asked him. He shook his head and turned back to the front of the room. Weirdo...

I sighed and drew out my i-phone (I stole it)  to watch Nurahiyon No Mago. The stupid engilsh translaters called it Nura: rise of the Yokai clan, but it actully translates to Gradchildren of Nurihyon. The anime has some awsome intro songs! I was stuck between Season one: Fast forward, and season two: Sunshine, as my favorite. I started humming it.

"Ashita wo terasu yo sunshine~ Mado karasashikomu~" I mumbled along to Sunshine. "Tobira hirate~" sang to myself . "Stop.Cause you got me~" 

"Are you paying attention?" Naruto asked me. I turned to him and laughed.

"Me, pay attnetion? Not likey." I went back to my anime. The song was over though...."Damn it..." I mumbled and focused on the action.

Finally, class was over. I sighed and headed off to the school library. See, I'm the world's worst procrastinator. So, I decided to learn how to use Chakra and crap AFTER school. Heh!

"Chakara is..." I rolled my eyes. Sakura recites this crap later, I'm not reading it. After browsing who knows how many shevles, I decided to pick one and go practice. I hated pointless studying!

"Okay, simple, nice and simple." I reassured myself. Closing my eyes, I attempted to harness my chakra.

"Kage  Bunshin no Jutsu." Did I mention that I sorta stole the scroll? Just for a little while though! I put it right back! To my utter surprise, it worked. "And that is why I'm the leader of the Shinigami, the Shinobi." I cheered myself on with a smirk. 

"Now, more jutsus....z" I pulled out  some chakra paper that I had bought prevouisly. I sent my chakra, I was still surprised how easily it came to me, and it.... SHIT! I dropped it, not caring about the reaction.  had forgotten what the hell each reaction meant.

"Awwww.....shit." I muttered. Well, this was not good. I pulled out my i-phone again and searched it up. (Don't ask me how there was wi-fi there) "Narutopedia....chakra paper....command F, paper...here we go!" I smiled at the screen. I took another paper out and sent my chakra to it. 

The paper immedeiatly became damp. "Sweet....I wonder if I have two...." I know, way over my head, but I wanted to try.  The next time I tried it, I set on fire. 

Oppisites? Really? I sighed and puled out the book from the library. My eye twitched, it just showed basic jutsus... I growled at it and resigned myself to learning the basics.... which were actully way too easy.

---------------------------(third POV)

"I knew it..." Kakashi though to himself as he watched the girl train. SHe resembled Namida in every way... but Namida was 25, and dead. AMaya's chakra types were the same, and it was all to easy for her.

But the dead can't come back to life. That was a rule. Kakashi glanced down at the girl training. Just then, she looked directly at Kakashi. He almost lost his composure. She glared at him before rolling her eyes and leaving the training grounds.

She was no ordinary girl.


It's short, but I wanted to uplaod before my week long vacation. I'm begging my mom to let me bring my laptop, but she's still saying no...

Namida no Aya [Tears of the Night] (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now