Got no Sanity

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"Okay, this is taking it way too far..." I rolled my eyes when I saw the old man sitting in a chair. How desperate were these gangs?

"Umm....what's taking it too far?" the 'Hokage' asked.

"Which gang are ou from? Vipers, Cobras, Last Sight, Crimson Sacrifice?" I asked him. Maybe from the Hornets? I know, crappy gang names, but those men are idiots. I have to give this actor credit. He was a great actor, he seemed geniunly confused.

"I'm sorry to ask, but what happened to your snity?" I gspun around to face ht eso called Kakashi.

"Sanity? I don't remember ever having such an usleless thing." I stated bluntly before spinning back to face the Hokage.

Everone in the room sweatdropped. My eyes winded. 

"YOU SWEATDROPPED!" This caused them to sweatdrop more. "...So I'm hallucenating.......... what kinda poinson did they use?" I mused.

"This is real life..." I ingorned the speaker.

"Hmmm... maybe Fly Agriac? Djin? TTX? PFT! TTX would kill me in a heartbeat." I started laughing at my own idiocy.

"What are those?" The speaker was annoying me to death. 

"Assorted poisons. Fly Agriac is a hallucenation causing mushroom, TTX is commen;y founf in Fugu Pufferfish, kills you, no hope, yet you can feel all the pain.....I NEED TO GET SOME!" I jumped up happily. Then I wondered if there were any in my hallucenation.....nah.

"Why would you want poison?" I turned around growled. 

"SHUT UP KAKASHI!" and I turned around.

'how'd you know his name?" I turned to find a man with a bandage over his nose. Izumo or of thse two.

"Shut it Koetsu!" I growled at him. Great, smart move Amaya, make everone suspicous.

And so that's how I got knocked out by anbu. Awww.... shit.


When you faint after a hallucenation, you expect to wake up normal, right? Nope, I was strapped down. Apparently they didn't trust people.

So, I pretended I was still alseep. 

"Have you identified her?" Kazuhiko Inoue....Kakashi's voice actor...

"Nobody alive.....but her bloodline is from the chi clan..." some random person said.

"......Is she related to Namida?" Kakashi asked. Namida? Who da hell is that?

"....She probably is.....maybe her sister or daughter?" Huh? Say what now?

"....All right." WHAT THE HELL WAS WITH THESE PAUSES?!?!?!? Bored, I decieded to open my eyes.

I sighed and asked randomly "Who da hell is Namida?" That sure scared them. Heh...

"H-hello, my name is Michiko. I'm a doctor." The other voice told me. It was a woman around 28.

"Now, my questions:

1. Who's Namida?

2.What's the chi clan?

3. WHY THE FUCK AM I STRAPPED ONTO A BED?!?!?!?" I screamed the last part at them.

"You were thrasing around and nobody trusts you." Kakashi stated bluntly. I glared at him before shrugging my shoulders.

"Smart." I them proceded to undo the metal bindings all too easily and get up.

'Wha?" Michiko stuttered. I sighed and stretched. I turned to them and said.

"Don't try and lock me up. If  I didn't know how to pick locks with my fingernails, I would be dead by now." I told them and sat down on the bed.

I love confusing people!!!! "I'm not trying to escape." I leaned back. "No point seeing this is all a hallucenation." I sighed and stared at the wall.

"A hallucenation?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah." I refused to talk more than necassary. Sue me.

"Why is that?" he probed. Annoying much?

"Cause you're not real." I still didn't move, I didn't even blink. My eyes were starting to water though....

"Are you crazy?"

"It's a possibility, I haven't ruled it out yet." (I stole this quote from A Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy)

He sweatdropped. "If it's a hallucenation then will you go to questioning?"

I sighed. No reason not to. "Sure."


I blame Emma. When I got to the Hokages office, I remembered, you don't realize that you're hallucenating when you hallucenate....which meant this was real.....0.o 

"Aww....shit." I cursed. 

"What?" The Hokage asked me.

0.o "You don't think you're hallucenating when you hallucenate.....I'm dead then." -__- I stated bluntly.

"....Now why would you be dead?"

"Cause your all part of a manga."

"But you don't feel pain when you die....unless you go to hell."

"And I'm an aithest. So.. I think you just go to sleep forever after you die....That means I'm dreaming." I remarked.

"Rewind, we're a manga?" At least Izumo caught that.

"Yep, you're all part of Masashi Kisimoto's imagination." I closed my eyes and nodded twice.


"THE MANGAKA FOR NARUTO YOU BAKA MIKAI!!!!!" I screamed suddenly.

No one spoke for a moment. THen another moment. When I finally got fed up Kakashi spoke.

"Prove it." Seems like a crappy fanfiction...

"Fine then." I named everyoe in the room and then whspered some private details and crap. "Can't tell you the future in case it gets messed up." I shurgged at the end.






"Okay........." I sweatdropped. Okay? REALLY!?!?!?!? WHAT SORTA CRAPPY RESPONSE IS THAT?!?!?!? IT'S WORSE THAN DUCK-ASS'S HN!!!!

" what the fuck do I do?" I asked the Hokage.

"Since I'm either dreaming, or this is real, I have to do something, right?" 

"Well...yes....I guess you could be a genin." my face lit up at this.

"Can I be on Team 7!?!?!?? I know it's three man teams, but..... THAT TEAM IS UBER IMPORTANT!!!" I then realized thatt I was acting like a fan girl and I blushed and lookd down.

The Hokage chuckled. "With Naruto Uzamaki, Sakura Harano and Saskue Uchia?"

I nodded and looked back up wikth a stony stare. He shook his head at me and smirked at Kakashi who was paniking in  the back of the room.

"Yes." Kakashi hung hi head down and I snorted at his posture. I'm going to drive them nuts.


This might be the last chapter. For those who want this crappy thing to continue, you have to beat one of two challenges...or both.

1. I snuck in a  anime qute into the dialouge. Find it, tell me who said it and what it's from. (It's not the Hitvhkier's guide one)

2. Go to youtube and search up Minisink Lip dub (I don't know when my school will put it up, should be soon) Find me. (MWUHAHAHAHHAHAHA cough cough... I REALLY NEED TO STOP SOING THAT!!!) Here's some clues:
-I have two anime objects on me.
-I'm in the song "What Makes You Beautiful"
- I like math if it's challenging and out of class.
-I'm an good actress....-__- I hated every minute of the lipdub.... 

Namida no Aya [Tears of the Night] (Naruto Fan-fiction) (Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now