김인육 - 사랑의 물리학

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Kim InYook - La physique de l'amour, 1963

"질량의 크기는 부피와 비례하지 않는다

제비꽃같이 조그마한 그 계집애가
꽃잎같이 하늘거리는 그 계집애가
지구보다 더 큰 질량으로 나를 끌어당긴다.
순간, 나는
뉴턴의 사과처럼
사정없이 그녀에게로 굴러 떨어졌다
쿵 소리를 내며, 쿵쿵 소리를 내며

하늘에서 땅까지 아찔한 진자운동을 계속하였다


"La masse n'est pas proportionnelle au volume

Une fille aussi petite qu'une violette
Une fille qui bouge comme un pétale de fleur 
avec une masse supérieure à la Terre, m'attire à elle.
Jusqu'alors, je suis
comme la pomme de Newton.
Sans m'arrêter, jusqu'à elle je roulais
en cognant fort, en cognant très fort.

Mon cœur
du ciel jusqu'à la terre ne cessait de rebondir
Elle fut mon premier amour."


"Mass is not proportional to volume

A girl as small as a violet
A girl who moves like a flower petal
is pulling me towards her with more force than her mass.
Just then, I am
like Newton's apple
I rolled towards her without stopping until I fell on her
with a thump, with a thump thump

My heart
kept bouncing between the the sky and the ground
She was my first love."


▪ 물리학 [mollihak] = la physique (physic
▪ 사랑 [sarang] = l'amour (love)
▪ 첫 [tcheot] = le premier (the first) donc "첫사랑" signifie littéralement "le premier amour" ("the first love")
▪ 제비꽃 [jébikkot] = la violette (the violet)
▪ 꽃 [kkot] = une fleur (a flower)
▪ 꽃잎 [kkotip]
▪ 지구 [djigoo] = la Terre (the Earth)
▪ 땅 [ddang] = le sol (the ground)
▪ 질량 [jilliang] = la masse (the mass)
▪ 순간 [sungane] = un moment (a moment)
▪ 뉴턴 [nyooteon]= Newton
▪ 사과 [sagwa] = une pomme (an apple)
▪ 처럼[tcheoreom]= comme (like)
▪ 사과처럼 = comme une pomme (like an apple)
▪ 소리 [sori] = un son (a sound)
▪ 심장 = le cœur (the heart)
▪ 하늣 = le ciel (the sky)

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