Everyone has someone or something to go to. I have neither. I am alone; always and forever. I walk this path that no one can cross, and if they try....hehe....let's just say that they'll die in a matter of seconds. I don't like to see people get hurt, therefore, I keep a wall around me and my personal issues. Everyone I meet says I am fine and that my looks can get me far in life. They can take their advice and take it somewhere else.
As long as people don't come near me, everyone is happy. I am happy. Happiness.....I've never felt that. And even if I did, I cannot remember the time I felt that way. However, a man named Arseny and Albert made me feel as though I'm something in this world. This world that is filled with hatred, sadness, liars, traitors....shadows.
Everyone in the Shadows thought that Arseny and I would have made a great pair. If anything, Viktor and Arseny would have made great pair. They were always together. Brothers, attached to the hip, in each others' business and always looking out for each other. Albert was like a father to me. He taught me how to survive, kill, hunt and save. I couldn't save people though....they all were....iniquitous. When Arseny and Albert died, I had no one. Not even Viktor can juxtaposed to the relationship I had with Arseny. When Viktor left, I broke and couldn't think on my own. I had to leave, and so I did.
I met a new group, a new home. However, they were not different from the Shadows. In fact, they were all too the same. I was chased out of that group when. Now, revenge is an order for me.