Chapter 2; The One Who Will Change

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  The person who had bumped into him fell back onto the tile flooring with a small thud, it took Sam a second to realize what had happened and look down at the unknown person. He saw none other than Sapphire, her sea blue eyes looking at him with annoyance "aren't you going to help me up or say sorry?" Her voice had obvious irritation lingering in it, probably still upset about the teacher. He nodded and helped her to her feet, "Sorry Sapphire.." his voice tried to keep an honest and apologetic tone " I didn't see you there, even if you were the one that bumped into me.." He kept the last part quiet as for her to not hear. She shook her head at him and went on her way, he shrugged it off and messed with his hair as he turned to his locker. He pushed his hair up to see the locker numbers and turned the knob to the digits of his combination, after putting his belongings away he went to the cafeteria for lunch. Just was always the rest of his day had passed uneventful, same classes, same people, same teachers, no change of noteworthiness.

The end of the day had come fo him, a lingering reminder of what was to await the next day. He was walking out of the school, the sky was far dimmer than it was in the morning the sky loomed above the edge of the world he could see, the sounds of the rustling leaves from a slight breeze that would tickle his skin. He walked down the sidewalk, he listened to the sounds of his own footsteps on the concrete sidewalk but soon heard the small pitter patter of footsteps next to him. His eyes glanced downwards to see the cat again, it trotted next to him to keep up with his long strides. Making his way to the park he found his basketball that he hid in a tree, he made his way to the basketball court and started shooting some hoops for fun, a smile came to his face as he made each basket. Hearing the swish of the ball going into the hoop made his day, it made him feel different, sure it was something simple but it was special to him. The cat was still there, its eyes still staring at him like cold gems. It sat next to his backpack and glanced over at it, he stared at it examined his bag. It had quickly grabbed a small keychain that dangled off one of his zippers and ran. "Hey get back here!" he grabbed his ball and bag then took off after the cat. It ran through the winding streets of the city as he chased, he had almost tripped over the sidewalk and scattered debris several times while running.

It soon led him to a back alleyway with a dead end, "Here kitty kitty.." He tried to get close to the cat without startling it. The cat backed up to the wall as he got closer, he quickly lunged at the cat. But it quickly moved out of the way, he knew what was going to happen and prepared himself to hit the brick wall of the alley. Instead, he felt himself land on a wooden floor, he opened his eyes only to see that he had landed in an elevator? It was an old type like the safety ones you'd see in a mine, it wasn't as rustic as one though and looked to be well taken care of. He stood up holding the basketball in his hands and looked in the direction of the alleyway, the alleyway could be seen through the metal gate that kept him inside the elevator, "What the?! Why am I in an elevator from the mining ages." he said to himself in disbelief. He looked down to the right of the elevator to see the cat sitting down and staring at the alleyway before them. The elevator started to move downwards and Sam looked around in shock, "No let me outta here!" he gripped onto the gate that was unopenable as it descended. Soon the last of the sun from the alley was gone, and they went down, they went down for a while before the gate opened to reveal something new. Something to change every day into a new light and way.

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