Chapter 2:Meeting Him

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 -I don’t proof read so sorry for any mistakes. :)

After detention was dismissed I rushed out of the old rusty classroom and went to my locker to retrieve my coat. As I put on my grey trench coat and tied the belt around my waist I felt a hand drag across my lower back and send shivers up my spine.

I twisted my head around to find out where it came from but whoever it was must have quickly blended into the crown of moving teens. All of them yelling their highs and lows of the day while others were gathering their things like me.

I shrugged it off. It was probably just a mistake. I joined the crowd of teens that were heading for the parking lot. Ready to go home after such a long day, I pushed pass all the people who were just wasting time in the halls. It was the end of the day, go home, I thought.

When I got to the front door of our high school the cold winter breeze hit my face and I felt my pale nose turn red and my cheeks flush with unnatural color. I pulled on my hood as my teeth began to chatter. I really hated the winter time.

I ran to my clean black jeep and rolled my eyes because I knew it wouldn't be clean after the storm that was supposed to come tonight. I climbed into the jeep and threw my bag into the back seat. I sucked in a deep breath and took in the fresh scent of new car.

My dad had just brought me this car because he allowed my cousin to crash my other one at our last family reunion. Laughing at the thought and I started the car.

The drive home was long. About a 30 minute drive away from the school and a 45 minute drive if you were going into town.

On my home I sing along to the radio and moved my head to the music. People laughed at me when I pulled up to red lights but I didn't really care, I sing along anyway.

I pulled up to our gated community and let the gate controller know I was here. After he opened the gate I drove up the street to my home.

I parked the car and jumped out. Once again the cold air hit my face and I suddenly missed being in the heated car. I snuggled closer into my coat and found my way up the rocky walk way that lead to our huge wooden door.

I opened the door and stared around the foyer. The silver spiral stair case looked like it had just been cleaned and the house smelled of cleaning products and fresh flowers.

"Dad" I shouted as loud as I could.

Silence filled the house and I rolled my eyes because I knew he was probably out or at work.

We weren't poor. Far from it actually but I chose not to flash it like everyone else did at my school. Only one who knew how well off I was Lizy.

Speaking of Lizy, I wonder where she was. As I found my way up the stairs I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Lizy's number. It rung a few times before she answered in a cheerful voice.

"Sup?" She shouted.

"First, why are you yelling? Second, why the hell do you always leave me in Mr. Green’s class alone? Third, where the hell do you go?" I asked playfully as I walked the long narrow hallway to my room.

Liz laughed loudly into the phone and said "You should really keep up Stac; All you have to do is walk out..."

"Well sorry I'm not used to just strolling out of school like you are." I joked as I entered my room.

I sat my bag down by the door and kicked off my shoes, letting my sock covered feet sink into the cream colored carpet. Lizy was now going on and on about something or some guy. I wasn't really paying attention.

My stomach growled so I made my way back downstairs to the kitchen.

The coldness of the kitchen's tile floor made my warm feet curl up. The emerald green marble counters shined like they had been freshly glossed and the white kitchen appliances’ stood out against the hard wood cabinets.

"Hey, Liz...I'll call you back. Kay?" I said

 "Kay, Kay." she shouted cheerfully on the other end and hung up.       

I hung up the phone and slipped it into the back pocket of my skinny jeans. I walked over to the refrigerator and opened it up. EMPTY.

My dad needed to seriously start at least stocking this thing, or hiring someone to do it for him since he always forgot.

I shrugged off the fact we didn't have any food and just ran upstairs to grab my bag and put on my coat and left. I figured I could just go down to the cafe nearby and pick up something to eat there.

When I got to the cafe, I took a seat in the corner where I always sat when I came here. The black barstools and sliver tables always made the cafe feel like it belonged in outer space.

I ordered a chicken salad and as I waited I began to write in my journal. I scanned over the cafe and my eyes stopped when they met a pair of greyish, hazel eyes that were staring directly into mine.

I tried to break our stares but I couldn't. His eyes were what really caught my attention. They drew me in and I was staring at him. A smiled tugged at his face and dimples appeared on his cheeks.

"Hi." he stated causally.

I meant to speak back, but instead I just kept staring. Maybe surprised that he had really just spoken to me.

   A/N: Kay kay. took me so long to write this actually. I couldn't think of where I wanted the story to go. Anywho, til next time. ^.^

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