{세 번째 장}

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"Yah, Minhyuk! Stop that bullshit, I'm coming already!" Moonbin screamed at the door as he grabbed his jacket. Since it was weekend he decided to grab something to drink together with his friend he has known for the longest time. Minhyuk.

"You can leave the already you mole rat! I've been waiting for 5 minutes now!" Minhyuk answered behind the door. "Yeah, yeah," Moonbin mumbled while he opened the door and saw Minhyuk standing with his arms crossed.
"You fucker!" He said while a smirk formed on his face. Moonbin laughed at his sudden mood change and closed the door behind him.

"So, are we going for some beer or?" He asked his younger friend in a mocking tone. Minhyuk glanced as a response and gave a poke in Moonbin's ribs. "You know I am not allowed to drink alcohol!" He yelled. Moonbin laughed and looked at his friend. "I know, I was just fucking with you... How about a coffee?"

"Sure, You fucktard," Minhyuk answered as he laughed. They made their way to the nearest coffee shop.

(I live in Amsterdam, this is weird to write without thinking of a weed smoking shop)

While entering the coffee shop that was near the school of Moonbin and Minhyuk they both ordered their drinks. A caramel macchiato for Minhyuk and a green tea latte for Moonbin. When they got their drinks they sat down at a table. They talked about whatever. How school is doing, dancing and all that stuff.

Later that evening Minhyuk saw one of his friends that he always walks to school with. Sanha. "Yo, Rocky!" Sanha yelled while slamming on Minhyuk thighs and sitting down next to him. "Rocky?" Moonbin asked while looking up at the two. Minhyuk started to laugh and made gestures that Sanha would have to explain his nickname. "Have you felt these?!" Sanha said while pointing at Minhyuk thighs? Moonbin now laughed at the reason why Sanha gave Minhyuk that nickname. "Yeah, I felt them" He answered.

Sanha stayed at their table and was joking around a lot with Minhyuk. At some point, Moonbin dozed off of the conversation that the three of them were having and started to look around in the coffee shop. This always happens if he can't follow the conversation anymore, that is just the way he is. He saw the boy from his class he was talking about with Cha Eunwoo earlier this evening. He was also drinking a coffee and hanging out with a friend but they didn't seem to talk since he was looking down at his phone.

9:30 pm

 Yo, you alive?

 I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing~

Shit boi call the ambulance!
A godly talent needs to be saved!

That also seems to have done the trick ;)
What's up? Did your friends leave you?

>:( NO
I'm sitting with them right now.
And actually see that classmate we talked about earlier sitting a few tables away!

The photography dude?

Yes that one!

Go talk to him then!
Don't say you won't. You promised I have screens

No I can't he is with friends too. Idk them, what if they make fun of me...

Wow you screened our chat?

 No, of course I didn't... I just wanted to make it sound like a thread.
 But I know what you feel like boi, maybe try it a different time when he's alone?

 Yes that will be better ig...

What're you doing btw?

I'm also hanging out with friends
But I actually want them to leave so I can go home as well.
I don't really like them.

Can't you make up some lame excuse?

ig I will.
They are actually planning to go to a bar later.. I'll just say I can't join em.
Aren't you with your friends now too?

 Yup :)

Then you shouldn't be on your phone right now you unsocial ho

 Wow ig but shame on you too bih
 But otherwise you will be bored...

 I'll be fine don't worry.Chaeunwoo: and go talk to that photography dude when u can!

Will do boss! ;)

Read 9.45pm

(( a/n Yo people that read this story up until here.. How do you like it so far? I am really trying my  best but I'm basically trash so this fanfic can't be far from it lolz))

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