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"Dongmin, doesn't Bin have that hoodie as well?" Sanha asked curiously as he held on to the straps of his backpack. He was eyeballing Dongmin for a good minute and this was apparently the reason why.

"This one?" Dongmin pointed out as he held the hoodie up by the chest fabric. Sanha nodded and squinted his eyes. "Yeah, I think he really does..." He mumbled.

Before Dongmin could even think of an excuse to explain why he was wearing this obnoxious blue hoodie that Moonbin lend him, somebody seemed to notice something.

"Yo! Eunwoo what's that?!" Jinwoo almost shouted out with his eyes wide open. Getting Dongmin startled he let go of the hoodie and looked at Jinwoo. "What is what?" He asked, pretending not to have a clue what Jinwoo was probably referring at. Little did he know though what it was.

"That, Bro!" Jinwoo shouted as he took a step forward to Dongmin and pulled the collar of his shirt down to reveal one of the bright red hickeys.

Dongmin tried to stop him from getting at his collar but Jinwoo is way stronger than he seems and thus, he failed. Everyone was now looking at the hickeys Moonbin left in his neck and not just for one second.

Hearing a gasp from Sanha, Dongmin pushed Jinwoo's arms away and took a step backward. He had enough of this exposure and judging stares...

"It's nothing!... Just a rash." He said as he fixed his hoodie again. It now covered up his red marks again and he would make sure not to make the same mistake again. Noted.

Dongmin noticed the four other boys exchanging looks to each other in disbelief. Then, back at Dongmin again almost judging his 'lie'.

"Who did it?" Myungjun asked to finish the awkward silence that almost has been lasting for a minute now. It almost scared him how direct Myungjun was but on the other hand, he didn't expect differently from the oldest.

"What the hell? No one did this, it's a rash I told you already.." Dongmin answered in defense. He was not going to tell them for sure. At least, not now. Definitely not now.

Where was Moonbin when he needed him? Maybe if he was here they would believe the lie that Dongmin was telling the others.

"Who fucking 'scratched' you then?" Myungjun asked in a weird tone of disbelief. He was definitely not dropping it and Dongmin knew it. So what if he knew for sure that at least someone must've done it, he would never tell them like this anyway.

This irritated Dongmin so much, why did he need to tell everyone everything? He didn't have any responsibility towards his friends to tell them if he had sex last night. Why were they acting so weird? If he had a hickey, just let him have a hickey. Goddamn.

"Fuck off.." Dongmin mumbled with a sigh as he grabbed his bag from the floor and walked away from the others. Just let them mind their own business for one time, they would find out so many things.

Dongmin looked down at his phone that he just got out of the pocket of his jeans. Where was Moonbin?

Babe, where are you?

I was just going to the bathroom...

... Nothing

What's wrong Minnie?

Just come to class okay?
See you there

See you in a minute babe 😘

Read 09:03


Dongmin sat in class at his usual spot at the window, waiting for Moonbin to come in.

After he walked away from his noisy friends he had to find a place to walk off too. Since he had absolutely no idea of where his boyfriend was, he decided to just go to his classroom.

Class started in 15 minutes and there still were no other classmates nor a teacher and that was completely fine to Dongmin. Just silence for once.

"What's wrong babe?" Dongmin heard someone say from the entrance of the classroom. It appeared to be Moonbin who just came walking in and took his seat next to the older.

"They noticed... Well, Jinjin did and he basically exposed me." Dongmin said, keeping his eyes focused on his fists rested on the desk before him. "I told them it was a rash but MJ directly asked who it was that gave me this."

Moonbin bit his lip and thought for a second. "Can't we just tell them?" He asked after a while. Dongmin's eyes shot up and looked at Bin. In his eyes, tears were stinging and were on the brim of rolling down his cheeks.

"Bin, if we are going to tell them, now is not the moment," Dongmin answered directly. "I feel so humiliated..." he mumbled softly afterward. The tears now slowly fell down Dongmin his cheeks and dropped on the table.

Bin stood up from his chair and looked down at the older, "should I go talk to them?" He asked obviously irritated. "No no no no, Babe, sit down." Dongmin said as he held Moonbin by the arm and gently pulled him down to his chair again. "If you're gonna go at them right now, you would only confirm that it was you."

Moonbin slowly sat down again and folded his arms. Hew as thinking of something. On one side, he wanted their group friends to know that he and Dongmin were together. but on the other side, Dongmin didn't want it and he doesn't want to hurt his feelings by telling the others.

"Min, understand that you don't want t tell them right now, but you can't procrastinate forever." Moonbin said. He looked strictly into the eyes of Dongmin that were still a bit red from the tears he cried before. "I know" He mumbled.

With a gentle smile, Moonbin wrapped his arms around Dongmin. He did feel bad for the older, don't get me wrong. Bin quickly placed a soft kiss on his cheek and continued to hug him. Slowly he moved his mouth to Dongmin's ear as he wanted to say something.

"I understand that it was embarrassing but you're the one that actually has hickeys... They don't."

(( Guys, I don't know why but this chapter was really a pain in the ass to write wth.?! It also was a bit delayed because I WENT TO MOTHERFUCKING DAY6 Y'ALL!!! CONGRATUMOTHERFUCKINGLATIONS!!! I am so happy that I went to their concert holymoly.

another thing, for some reason my reads on this and my other story are going up like crazy? Honestly, why? ahahahhaa

anyways thank you guys for reading up until here <3))

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